Hi, I’m Nila

Let’s create the joy, life and legacy you’re here to create. It’s time to sidestep fear and limits for beautiful breakthroughs without burnout.

I’m on a mission to unlock our inner wisdom and vibrant energy by democratising joy, confidence, healing, and genius as they are linked. I help people create a vibrant, creative life in flow by transforming how we work, live, and create and solve challenges, as we are all here on purpose for a purpose, with gifts and wisdom to shine in our full potential, but first, we must bypass doubt, burnout, and stress, which keep them locked away.

Step one is listening to and learning to unlock the language of your brain, nervous system, higher wisdom, and energy to navigate your unlimited intuitive flow and genius and create beautiful breakthroughs without burnout. Step two: to live a vibrant, creative life in flow. Ready?

"Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself."- George Bernard Shaw, for
Self-Mastery Visionaries Soul Seekers Flow Higher Purpose


It’s Time to Create

It all begins with an idea. An idea that you are more and you want more, and I’m here to help you find it.

I welcome you! I guide purpose-driven businesses and visionaries, i.e. individual who want more for their lives and legacy or need peak performance, to navigate daily stress, chaos and uncertainty to activate energy, deeper wisdom and joy. Together, we’ll journey and transition from yesterday’s burnout culture and conditioned subconscious limits to a state of harmonious, optimal being and consciousness called Flow - a healed, creative and more impactful way of creating, doing and being in a life full of vibrance, at a heightened energy, and opening to our creative intelligence to create the life we deserve guided by intuitive flow.

Intuitive Flow is a new way to learn how to navigate your inner world and, from there, flow, innovate, and create your joy, life, and legacy that you’re here to create and attract the relationships you deserve while standing in your self-mastery and power. It’s time to create, the creator for peak performance awakened to your full-healed genius and intuitive potential, from fear to freedom & Flow.

Ready! Here’s how we unlock your best:

This multi-sensory, multi-tool transformation offering is for
Self-Mastery Visionaries Soul Seekers Flow Higher Purpose

The Method

Four Protocols

This is a mind, body, energy, and soul protocol to reboot, reclaim, and re-create you. My methods utilise science and researched ancient wisdom protocols to allow you to reach deeper altered states of consciousness and clear subconscious limiting beliefs, fears, and energetic drags. Easing your nervous system is critical to this work, allowing you to access deeper brainwave states and heal. This is more than guidance and teaching.

Try intuitive guidance or go deeper with the Flow Coaching Programme. Alternatively, follow a structured 121 mentoring and teaching action plan to integrate the learning for a vibrant, creative life.

For women and visionaries with a drive for more, it’s time to awaken your unlimited self and purpose with science and ancient wisdom protocols.

1:1 Services

Intuitive Guidance

Clearing to Clarity

This private, 90-minute one-off 1:1 altered state of consciousness journey will help you explore blocks and patterns in your subconscious and energy systems. Gain clarity and move into alignment. This 90-minute session is the building block to a deeper consciousness awakening.

Flow Coaching or Vibrant Life Mentoring

Clearing to Clarity to Creative, Intuitive Flow

Choose between 2 private 1:1 transformational journies. Both provide space to release, reset, and re-create your inner self, narrative, and meaning.

Flow Coaching is free-form and tailored to your needs as we go deep within to see all that needs to be shifted to unlock your innate wisdom, healing, power, self-love, purpose and unlimited self.

121 Vibrant Creative Life Mentoring is a six-session structured journey that unlocks and resets your mind, body, energy, and soul to live a vibrant, creative, healthy life past bad habits and patterns to create the life you deserve in congruence.

Ready for the secret?

Why do only 1% of people unlock their genius?

Neuroscience and ancient wisdom know why creative geniuses in flow are special: They use their brain differently, access deeper states, and are 34% happier when in flow. But why do only 1% of people achieve this? Because they ask us to step. These courses and protocols are designed to unlock your genius wisdom, which means unlocking your neurophysiology. Are you curious and courageous enough?

Flow Academy Programmes

Ingenious Flow Course to learn neuroscience secrets of geniuses

Business & Visionaries

Ingenious Flow Course, Creative Intelligence

A paradigm shift to create disruptive innovation that starts from the inside. Unleash the neuroscience secrets of creative geniuses and flow with our experiential training for individuals and teams. Activate your imagination circuits, foster resilience, and embrace a new teamwork paradigm. Identify your dominant nervous system type and flow tools to regulate daily challenges and chaos.

Intuitive Flow Awakening

Intuitive Intelligence® Training

This course will powerfully change the way you show up in the world. Opening up to your innate intuition, soul awakening and self-mastery is just the beginning. Science combined with ancient wisdom holds the keys to a truly turned-on intuition for seekers and leaders who know they have more and are ready to live it. Register your interest, and maybe try a taster session.

  • Kind words

    “Nila is a force and an absolute delight to work with. She creates a beautiful space where I feel seen, held, and challenged. Her brilliance in neuroscience and the science of flow is balanced with her reverence for the sacred. Paired with her wit and humor, her sessions are an experience like no other. I can’t recommend Nila enough. - Sonja, Leadership Specialist (USA)

Be who you're meant to be, not conditioned to be. Be
Courageous. Audacious. Inspired. Passionate. Graceful.


Meditations & Masterclasses

Top Resources & Workshops

Workshops & Events

  • Check out the upcoming events, or join the list to keep informed: Go to Workshop events

    • I offer well-being - For Charities & businesses

    • Talks on brain and nervous system and flow

    • Lightening talks to inspire innovation. Book a 15 minute chat

For Well-beings: WTF, What the flow boost

  • I research and write on all things to keep us flowing and thriving, Mind, body, energy and soul as your whole and flowing. Be your best self. Read the WTF, What the Flow Blog

Why it matters?

Because You Matter - As you shine with compassion for yourself, and share your unique gifts, you give others permission to shine also.

Nila Matthews presenting at a Women in Tech day on Work-Life Balance Myth

Why it matters to me?

I was a successful corporate innovator until I pushed too hard, ignored all the signs, and became a burnt-out innovator, but you don’t have to. I looked for answers and unlocked more than ease in my body. I know that there is a myth of the work-life balance. We can’t keep pushing unless we know how to regulate our nervous system.

I am passionate about helping people and avoiding giving up on their vision and themselves like I nearly did—your energy and vision matter. We need more conscious and soul-driven people to raise the vibrations for all, especially now.

Watch my keynote on the Myth of the work-life balance.

Now, I blend all my wellness, neuroscience, behavioural, somatic expertise, and energy healing skills with my Intuitive Intelligence® training as a Spiritual Director and trainer to help people unlock their deeper wisdom, energy and self-mastery.

For businesses, I combine my new research with 20 years of award-winning innovation and product experience. Leading corporations to transform how they lead, create and innovate sustainably.

I empower people to dare to live and create from the deep end in Flow. To transcend and unlock their potential to Imagineer and be unlimited.

Imagineering (to borrow from Disney) is our gift to image, create and engineer our life, joy and legacy. It’s what we are here to do. But too many people get stuck, play small and sabotaged. They feel un-empowered by life, chaos and situations. And it’s not our fault, but we can take action.

As an innovator and neurophysiological expert, I know our subconscious brain, body, and energy can act like a circuit breaker, pulling us back from heightened creativity and intuition -the key to success and breakthroughs when we need them most to move in chaos. There is a better way: unlock our innate gifts and deeper wisdom.

Featured on Chris Evans Breakfast Show

Above all, I love to connect with my clients at a soul level for their transformation.

Kind Words clients have said
Awakening & powerful sessions Changed my self-narrative Intuitive & Couragous Created a safe, healing space Entire aura screams service


Kind Words

“I met Nila at a corporate event. A team day focused on well-being. I was immediately struck by her gentle presence, that made everyone feel instantly comfortable and engaged for her session. She took us through a meditative journey and again, considering the varied personalities in my team, I was impressed with her ability to get buy-in from all of us, even the sceptics. It was a great session and after, I pursued her for a chat to learn more about her work. She was gracious, welcoming and encouraging, taking the time to find out more about me, what I wanted and how she could help. We agreed to work together, one to one and although I had experienced a taster of her impactful work, still, I was not prepared for the depth we covered in just two sessions.

As a man, it can sometimes be hard to connect with my inner world but what I found most empowering about Nila is her ability to make you trust her. She is so gentle in her approach, so unassuming and yet so firm in her confidence that for me, it made me know I could trust her no matter how deep we went.

Nila's entire aura is one that screams service. She is as knowledgeable about the science of her work as she is intuitive and courageous in leading you to discover your own power. She is an extremely insightful individual. Most important, above all, Nila is authentic. She genuinely wants to help; she truly has a heart for others and uses her immeasurable gifts to that end. So, whether your needs are corporate/business related or you are seeking support of a more personal nature, Nila will quickly become your go-to. She has for me.”

- Serge Rashidi - Zakuani. Innovation Coach. Sky UK

This multi-sensory, multi-tool transformation offering is for
Awakening Intuition Creativity Soul Seekers Healing Inner Joy



 Life is too short to be on Repeat & Regret.

Our real power comes from cultivating this from the inside out, not from the outside in. Looking for external validation has become commonplace in our modern society. We look externally for a compliment or consume to numb or make us feel momentarily gratified. When we act from here, we fall into the repeat regret cycle.

Looking with and healing from the inside out is the only natural route to flow, freedom and expansion to your unlimited self.  

As an ex-sports trainer, I know every sportsperson needs a strong inner core to perform at their best otherwise, injury occurs as outer superficial muscles weaken and can’t go the distance. It’s the same with you. So that’s where we start - from the inside out with an embodiment focus.

So, what is holding back your flow?

Think of your life as a mystery novel. You're looking for the pieces to unlock your unlimited self. The trick is not to get caught in one part of the story. Instead, observe and learn how to release the blockages.

Many ancient texts recognised that your life is a reflection of what is below is about: As above, so below, as within, so without (Tao Te-Ching, Egyptian Hermetic Universal laws) - As within, so without.

 "Are you ready to face the parts of yourself that are in the way of your evolution?"

— Awakening Shakti, Sally Kempton -


Be who you're meant to be, not conditioned to be. Be
Courageous. Audacious. Inspired. Passionate. Graceful.


Why Flow? 

Flow is an optimal state of being and consciousness where we feel our best and perform at our best (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, psychologist) and the path to self-actualisation. By awakening your flow, you can become unlimited, whole and intuitive. It is our natural, joyous, creative state, and we all deserve to live in it. The second part of Flow is the ability to connect with others for the highest good.

Scientifically proven, this state is cultivated by high-performance individuals and embodied by unique, adventurous and enlightened souls.

Research proves that:

  • Strategic Problem-Solving increased 500x with a state of flow (McKinsey, International Consultancy – Decade Long study, 2013).

  • A plethora of research proves that effective meditation techniques positively change the cranial brain structure and provide increased cognitive flexibility, creativity, memory and attention.

With neuroscience, I teach you how to effortlessly switch the gears of your brain to flow to your chosen task and empower you with effective embodiment tools for you to flow, create and manifest. 

Intuition & non-local intuition is our natural superpower and gift, our central compass, but over the years, we have forgotten how to use and train it. Learning how to switch on your (non-local) intuitive intelligence means you’ll never second-guess yourself.  Non-local intuition goes beyond the level of our five senses. It is knowing from a source outside of you, backed by the science of Intuition.