About Me

I help women and visionaries in transition - i.e., those in change, chaos, or readiness for change - to be empowered and create beautiful breakthroughs without burnout. To awaken to our innate, unlimited, intuitive selves. Along the way, we heal, clear habits and fears, and get unstuck.

Hi, I’m Nila

Adventurer, mother, dog lover, sports, innovator, neuroscience and wellness junkie. I am an energetic and passionate seeker of wisdom who loves to connect, laugh, and sit in my mystic cave and meditate. (obviously, not all at once).

I'm honoured that you're here. Maybe you're curious about your purpose, how to heal, step up in your life, or tap into your intuition and increase your energy. That's how I got here, too!

You may have taken some positive steps to change your life's direction & mindset already.

Have you already got the books, exercise, yoga and breathing classes spoken to experts for guidance? Or, the real hard work – the shadow, inner child work! The list is endless and expensive, right? It's also a bit hit-and-miss with different practitioners focusing on one method!

When I hit rock bottom, after the two significant losses and six major operations, I felt defeated, deflated, and alone with sabotaging habits took hold, and now I recognise I had unconscious trauma.  

Luckily, I looked for answers and completed a master's in psychology. I also conducted brain-scanning studies, gaining valuable insights. However, I found conventional scientific and mindfulness approaches to be limited and disconnected, so I looked to alternative but well-researched methods.

 My journey to find a solution led to an awakening…

Since 2017, I have become a human laboratory to find a solution, so you don't need to spend the time, money and effort to find the right tools as I did.  

I recognized the interconnectedness of mind, body, energy, and soul, but there was a secret that helped me and will help you to evolve

That's flow and intuition.

Flow science has been with me for years but I met a teacher and the Institute of Intuitive Intelligence on my journey, which has been a revelation and revolution. If life was a mystery novel – this was the missing piece!

We are all intuitive; like a muscle, it just needs strengthening.  Enhance this skill through targeted practices. From this place, we can also identify what is holding us back.

Our fears and shadows are not glamorous, but seeing and befriending them is the sole path to freedom. It simply requires a dash of courage! But that’s why I’m here to support my clients.

I now use the 3 S's, Science, Spirituality and a Sense of lightness and humour, to transform.

 My mission is to create a sustainable way to create beautiful breakthroughs in life, work and innovations. I believe leveraging our creative intelligence and intuitive flow is the only way to get to the deep end of our creations for joy, life and legacy.


Why it matters? As we flow and unlock our gifts to create our life and legacy, we unlock our deeper wisdom and put our bodies at ease. From a higher consciousness, we compassionate give others space to do the same. Ultimately I hope, we see each other as energetic souls, not labels  #LabelFreeLiving and live in peace and joy, not scarcity.

Kind words

Nila is an inspiration. I worked with her when she provided me with careers coaching and general life guidance. With her upbeat help and support, I have now moved on with my employment and have developed a lot of positive habits on the way! She opened up my horizons to the positive impacts of Mindfulness and Open Mindsets; both are a must to achieve your life and career goals.”

Adrian Crispin, Project Manager – Digital & Technology (2020)

“Nila has a welcoming warm way about her that invites expansiveness and safety to be vulnerable. I felt incredibly safe and supported throughout the whole session whilst Nila guided me through a fear that was presenting itself at that time. With ease and grace, I was able to go to the root of that specific fear and release what didn’t serve me anymore. After the session, I felt lighter and freer within myself. I am now able to see and love myself. 

Thank you, Nila, I am so grateful for our connection.”

— Stacey, Police Sergent, Healer, Author (March 2022)

 My Values


Armed with the Why, and the tools to build resilience, mastery and intuition, I aim to offer scaffolding until you are ready and confident to come to your edge to evolve and flow gracefully.

Trust & Integrity

When we need help we’re at our most vulnerable, and that's scary. I want to bring you back to a place of calm and trust. Trust that all my content and methods are robustly researched and tested. I aim to never purposely mislead anyone

Personal Growth & Discovery

Curious and constantly striving to better ourselves and shine whilst permitting others to shine. I also aim to keep growing my toolset and knowledge

Responsibility & Respect

Owning your truth and worth is what makes you authentic. But this takes responsibility. To put in the effort to change and own your power while respecting others to own theirs. This means acting with discernment, never in judgement.

Meet The Team Of International Collaborators

 #Self-Mastery #LabelFreeLiving #EverySoulMatters

Nila Matthews

My Fact File

  • I reluctantly caved in and bought a dog, but now I love it, Dobby – although he ate the hamster (boo, hoo squish!)

  • Self-confessed Brain and Science of Intuition and goddess Geek (OK and Harry Potter geek)

  • When I haven't got my head in a non-fiction book, I'm cycling, running or paddle-boarding with my daughter.

  • My secret sauce to getting unstuck: flow and creative expression - running, writing, meditating & liberated dance (even if I look strange).

  • Volunteer tutor for Restore, a Mental health charity.

  • Founder of PebbelesStory, a pre-24-week pregnancy loss support group.

  • My Memberships (poles apart): British Psychology Society (MBPsS) and Intuitive Intelligence Institute

  • Spiritual Director and Intuitive Intelligence® Trainer & Guide

  • Trained with Embody Lab for applied Poly Vagal theory with Yoga informed trauma release for the nervous system.

  • Behavioural Digital Product Expert (by profession).

  • Contributing Author in Conscious Revolution on Conscious Creativity and Flow, to unlock the neuroscience and metaphysical secrets of creative geniuses to create breakthroughs for innovations and for life.

Spreading the Word

Celebrating the publication of the anthology book Conscious Revolution. Read why it was important.

Follow me on Instagram for daily Flow Boosts

Presentor at IBM & Sky’s Women in tech conference: Myth of the work-life balance. Watch

More About Me

I'm based in Oxfordshire, UK. I have innovation and creativity in my DNA. I’m a lover of learning, travel, mountains, yoga, doing sports, and probably, like you, breaking out of boxes that other people try to place you in. We are energy first, so I often talk about energy signatures (chi, and prana), and wonder about The Gap.

The gap between what we say and want, but do and get. I study the human problem. I study the unconscious processing of our minds, habits, energy and Intuition.

For 20 years, I used my alchemy of skills for large digital corporations as a Behavioural Product innovator to influence behaviour and solve customer problems. But I now serve as a consultant for technology of good and, mostly, serve visionaries to open to their unlimited selves.

There are many reasons you want change.

Remember that "Life Setbacks are Sometimes Life's Setups" (Who said that? I Don't know, but they're right!)

We hear the statistic that 1-in-6 suffers from stress, anxieties, feelings of low self-esteem - mental health issues. Unrelated things and people can activate and intensify this. However, it's not easy to say or recognise; I know that by experience.  But, I am passionate about stopping others from falling into the 1 in 6 statistics and providing tools to prevent you from falling back into it. To help people write an empowering story about themselves!

If your ready and "sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fannie Lou Hammer, Civil Rights Activist). I can help! I will hold space, tools and scaffolding to help empower women like you to come to your edge:

To use intuition to help you, or for you to develop more intuition – you deserve to shine!

 Ready for intuitive flow?