
Workshops & Masterclasses. The Power of Group Energy

There is exponential power in groups to increase energy, healing, and collaboration, scientifically proven.

As an energetic, compassionate, intuitive person, I will always hold a beautiful, magical, and safe space for all to be held, witnessed, and transformed to feel the flow and magic within yourself.



Cancelled - Due to unforeseen circumstances, this event is cancelled, but email me on to attend a similar event:

Summer Solstice Alignment: Embodied Meditation - Yurt at Haddon Acre, Sires Hill, Didcot (near Wallingford). OX119BG

Align and flow to thrive on this most auspicious day of the year: when the longest day and night meet. In this beautiful yurt and space, we allow ourselves to go within and align to the cathedral of our heart, to create space, calm, and peace, and then reignite or find our passion and purpose as we allow our energy to dance to flow. The session ends at a sacred stone circle.

What to expect: Movement and breath work to release and guided meditation with some sound bowls.

Date: Thursday 20th June

19.30 - 20.30 pm. Cost: £12.50

Zen Zone: Unleashing Your Inner Calm & Mastery – Stress & Energy Training for Resilience & Flow

Join us for an online event that will take you on a journey to discover your inner calm and mastery to ensure you never relinquish your power and burnout but step into your unlimited self when you need it most when you are in stress, uncertainty or on your healing journey. Identify your nervous system type, tools for self-mastery and the nine conditions to Flow to your optimal self and consciousness. This class is pivotal as it counters a myth - It’s not about your mindset or personality first. We need tools to reset the deepest layer of ourselves first, and that is the nervous system; from here, we can handle moments of stress and anxiety and be open to our flow, genius and awakening to our intuition.

New Date TBC; £59. Online Zoom Event

Maya, Illusion or Moha, Disillusion - Advanced Meditation and Spiritual Evolution Practice:

The difference between Maya & Moha is our mindset and evolution. I will share ancient wisdom insights and practice to help us release our self-sabotaging habits and disillusionment for our self-mastery, creativity and intuition. Learn the insights from the Bhagavad Gita to empower your mind, spiritual practice, and behaviours. This first session is a TED Style talk and practice for an international online Fem-Frequency Group to empower women, but a longer presentation will take place in February 2024.

Online Zoom Event

New Data - TBC

Intuitive Flow Awakening - 8-Week Programme (Join the Waiting List for the next in-take)

Intuitive Intelligence® Training for Soul and Intuitive Awakening

This course will powerfully change the way you show up in the world. Opening up to your innate intuition, soul awakening, and self-mastery is just the beginning. Science combined with ancient wisdom holds the keys to a truly turned-on intuition for seekers and leaders who know they have more and are ready to live it. Register your interest, and maybe try a taster session - see the Resources section.t

Date to be confirmed

Online Zoom event

Closed Group: PebblesStory, Pre-24 wks Pregnancy loss Support Group:

Every three months, on the third Thursday from February 2024: - 7.30 - 8.30. Online. Please join the PebblesStory to attend. A safe space to be witnessed and heard. Nervous system easing tools are offered.

3rd Thursday of Month

Online Zoom event

  • Kind words

    “I met Nila at a corporate event. A team day focused on well-being. I was immediately struck by her gentle presence, that made everyone feel instantly comfortable and engaged for her session. She took us through a meditative journey and again, considering the varied personalities in my team, I was impressed with her ability to get buy-in from all of us, even the sceptics. It was a great session and after, I pursued her for a chat to learn more about her work. She was gracious, welcoming and encouraging, taking the time to find out more about me, what I wanted and how she could help. We agreed to work together, one to one and although I had experienced a taster of her impactful work, still, I was not prepared for the depth we covered in just two sessions.

    - Serge Rashidi - Zakuani. Innovation Coach. Sky UK, (August 2022)

  • Kind words

    “I just wanted to thank you so very much for sharing your gift of helping myself and others to get in touch with their subconscious and explore the thoughts and answers that lay within us.. I am so grateful for beautiful humans like yourself who are here to help guide people back to their essence and see the world from a different perspective.”

    - Participant from Compass Guidance & Visioning Practice, (USA), January 2023

  • Kind words

    “Thank you so much. You held a safe space for presence and consciousness. I loved the experience and the opportunity to connect with other like-minded people.”

    — Tias Van Ondheusden (December 2021)

Spiritual Retreat Teaching in Bali

What you can expect from Wellness & Embodiment Sessions:

I work with four protocols: Your mind-body - energy, and soul as you are whole, a spirit having a human experience. Think of yourself as an ever-changing character, a movie in motion travelling to a higher, better self. To a place of inner power, mastery, and joy to evolve into moving closer to your future self.

But, your future self requires an embodied approach that helps safely unpack your old patterns often stored in your nervous system and mind’s unconscious processes.

These workshops are a safe space and alchemy of energy, yet calm, introspection, and movement with meditation, breathwork, and storytelling to help you flow, transform, and transcend.

Sessions include:

  • Well-being & Mental Health Events & everyday energy management tools to activate calm, joy and flow

  • Women’s Circles & Rituals

  • Festivals or workshops: Selected to present at Chris Evans’ Run Fest Run - I can tailor events to offer more fun, energy-focused vibe, balanced with a calming, grounding praxis and embodiment.

  • Introduction to intuitive intelligence to activate your flow, higher creativity and inner knowing (for groups or businesses).

  • Flow and focus are key to our performance, creativity and success and are linked to our attentional systems. Book me to present this 90-minute talk and practice session as given to Oxford Brookes Enterprise Support.

Whose it for?

  • Anyone tired of one modality ready for a reset, mind, body, energy, soul all in one go

  • Need of grounding, centering & connection as life can sometimes be overwhelming and too much.

  • Suffering from an active unhelpful mind, and you just want to pause it

  • You want tools that work based on both science & spirituality (ancient wisdom that is now being proved) - the why what & how to get in touch with your higher self & be empowered, for your own clarity and mastery.

Ready to:

  • Unpack old patterns and shadows to turn them too light

  • Cultivate a sense of inner calm, raise your energy

  • Jumpstart or accelerate your spiritual, meditation or inner journey

  • Ready to awaken your inner Goddess, Priestess, God, Wizard, alchemist nature

  • Be led by an intuitive who can help you open to your intuition

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Awakening Flow with Mind & Movement

Balancing & Awakening Your Sustainable Power - Embodiment & Liberated Dance:

From collapse or combat to the power of strength and softness.

This energetic yet grounding workshop awakens and balances your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine so you can find and balance the strength and softness needed to awaken your flow and retain your power in all aspects of life.

  • If we are not soft enough, we may be too hard and push away good people and opportunities.

  • Without strength, your healthy boundaries collapse, and energy is hard to maintain.

So many of us live and work either with our armour fully on (forceful masculine), pushing people away, or crumbling to collapse and resignation, unable to share or lead from a place of grace, authority and mastery. Both positions are tiring, unsustainable and unfulfilling.

This embodiment workshop combines mythical and spiritual storytelling, neuroscience and pranayama breathing for awakening flow and life force-enhancing liberated dance. Ending with Heart and vibrational raising energy to attract more of what you want.

Who's this for?: Perfect for festivals, women’s empowerment & building resilient, fun & productive teams

Benefits at a glance:

  • Balancing strength and softness - for wise leadership. personal mastery & sustainable energy

  • Those who find themselves at either side of the polarity or yo-yo between the two, combat or collapse, from saying nothing to explosion (or passive-aggressive)

  • Further their self-mastery so no one can make them react

  • Find an inner self-love

  • Breathing techniques - to overcome overwhelm or cultivate motivation & energy

  • Awaken your life force - for creativity, inner mastery and positive energy

  • First steps to awaken your innate intuition

Contact me to find out more