Time For A Clarity?

I support visionaries at their crossroads moments. We journey deep into the unconscious to unlock our unlimited intuitive selves and step fully into our power to create the life and legacy we are here to create. Habits, fears, and getting unstuck are cleared along the way. It's time for Intuitive Flow.

1:1 Intuitive Guidance & Flow Coaching.

It all begins with an idea. An idea that you want more, and I’m here to help you find and create it.

1:1 Intuitive Guidance.

From Clearing to Clarity

This private, one-off 1:1 altered state of consciousness journey will help you release blocks and reclaim your wholeness and power as we release patterns and stories in your subconscious and energy systems holding you back. Gain clarity and move into alignment. This 80-minute session is the building block to a deeper consciousness awakening and uses the Intuitive Intelligence® Method.

I offer personalised embodiment tools to ease your nervous system, heal, and meet everyday emotional, energetic, and life challenges. These tools anchor you to regain self-mastery and flow while building your inner strength and resilience and reclaiming your innate power, joy, and flow.

1:1 Flow Coaching

Clearing, to Clarity to Heightened Energy & Creation

This transformational package of 4 or 6 sessions provides space to release, reset, and re-create your inner self, narrative, and meaning. This is the path to a deeper relationship with your innate wisdom, power and purpose to cultivate courage and clarity as we heal.

This method is revolutionary but not for everyone. After our initial free discovery discussion, if the alchemy is right, you will be invited to a minimum of four, ideally six, sessions over two to six months. In these follow-up sessions, we can start resetting and rewiring the four key areas: mind, body, energy, and soul. We can change your energy signature to create, attract, and integrate the right embodiment tools and overcome doubt, burnout, trauma or what ever needs to be cleared.

Kind Words

“With the Intuitive Flow Training & mentoring I received from Nila, I was able to really tune into my intuition and gain some clarity after working through certain subconscious belief systems. I absolutely loved the way I was guided through the meditations and also allowed to tune into my higher self to make effective leadership decisions.

100% recommend @nila_awakeningflow. Thank you, you wonderful soul

Mital Thanki– Founder of Spark Academy (December 2021)

What Can I Expect?

I meet you where you are: What is your intention for this path, and why does it matter? Book a free consultation to help lay out our journey.

In the first session, we begin the journey to the deepest parts of yourself and your unconscious to move from fear and uncertainty to freedom, flow and purpose. Once fears are seen, their energy dissipates, and I will support you with the relevant tools to keep that fear away. All sessions take place online.

    • The Follow-up sessions are co-creative, where we delve deeper to unravel and reset your subconscious, nervous, and energy systems.

    • Learn to open to your innate wisdom to create and lead.

    • Integrating and embodying tools during sessions, complemented by video and online resources, can create a permanent shift in skills

    • Personalised Flow Map: Chart your progress on a Flow map to success

    • Behavioural change guidance to make or break habits.

    • Business mentoring: Innovative, Product, Behavioural advice (optional for business owners & start-ups)

    • You need clarity to make your next right move but crippling doubt and blocks step in when you need it most.

    • You are tired of playing small, stuck, and sabotaged, and you are ready to transform and feel alive and empowered again.

    • You want to heal past blocks, known and unknown, from fear to freedom and flow.

    • Befriend Stress & overcome burnout- Sustainably reclaim your genius.

    • Self-esteem and self-mastery journey - Find self-love, express your authentic self, and feel at home there.

    • Souls on their awakening journey and higher wisdom are ready to see what is blocking their innate intuition. Start to trust your inner guidance.

    • Women in transition - In a life or relationship, health challenge or wanting to loosen the grip of past (conscious or unconscious) events, trauma or energy.

    • Visionaries with a mission and legacy seek guidance to reveal purpose or overcome unconscious blocks to building a confident legacy in their genius.

  • £122.22 for the first 90-minute face-to-face Intuitive method or first coaching session, plus additional resources and support provided.

    Six sessions at = £732

    Four sessions: £488

    One scholarship place offering a discount is available per quarter for those who need change now, but require financial grace. Reach out to inquire.

Kind Words

“I followed Nila on Social Media for a few months and browsed the Awakening Flow webpage and became curious as to what “flow” and “intuitive living” could do for me personally.

Signing up for four sessions, I thought I could at least sit down, relax for a few hours, and listen to what the hokus pokus was all about!

When I was ready, Nila guided me to the root cause of my sufferings and gave me the strength to break the connections and change the narrative. 

  • We meditated, we talked and we shared,  but first of all we connected.

  • Now that I have changed my narrative, I understand what intuitive living is for me.

  • I am not a new version of me, but I have discovered I can be who I want to be and it is ok to change.

 A good teacher can teach us how to live intuitively.  But a great teacher can give us the tools and guidance to find our own flow, connect our mind and body, and to create our own path to intuitive living.

 Thank you, Nila.  You are a great teacher.

- By Elaine Corciulo.  Personal Trainer, Wife and Mother … and the best version of me..”

  • “Nila is a force and an absolute delight to work with. She creates a beautiful space where I feel seen, held, and challenged. Her brilliance in neuroscience and the science of flow is balanced with her reverence for the sacred. Paired with her wit and humor, her sessions are an experience like no other. I can’t recommend Nila enough.” - Sonja, Leadership Specialist (USA)

  • “Nila has a welcoming warm way about her that invites expansiveness and safety to be vulnerable. I felt incredibly safe and supported throughout the whole session whilst Nila guided me through a fear that was presenting itself at that time. With ease and grace, I was able to go to the root of that specific fear and release what didn’t serve me anymore. After the session, I felt lighter and freer within myself. I am now able to see and love myself.  Thank you, Nila, I am so grateful for our connection.”

    — Stacey, Police Sergent, Healer, Author (March 2022)

  • “Nila is an inspiration. I worked with her when she provided me with careers coaching and general life guidance. With her upbeat help and support, I have now moved on with my employment and have developed a lot of positive habits on the way! She opened up my horizons to the positive impacts of Mindfulness and Open Mindsets; both are a must to achieve your life and career goals.”

    — Adrian Crispin, Project Manager – Digital & Technology (2020)

  • “I was highly sceptical about the idea of the Intuitive session, but Nila is the genuine article:  a seasoned professional herself in the world of business with a Masters's in (and passion for) psychology, she retains a theoretical basis for her Intuitive method. 

     Having never tried any alternative therapies and coming from a science-based background, I didn’t know what to expect of the sessions: Nila skillfully guided me through a series of relaxation and visualisation techniques which were emotionally powerful and left me with a toolset to explore my thinking gently in my own time.  Her compassion and sensitivity were evident throughout the process, which made it much easier to work outside my comfort zone.  It’s hard to say if I experienced any major transformation as part of the Intuitive process, but I will say this: it opened my eyes to a new way of looking at myself, and I did end up with a major promotion 3 months later.  Did this play a part in me feeling able to take the risks needed to achieve that? I couldn’t say, but I do know I’d want to revisit the Intuitive approach with Nila again in the future. If you’re sceptical like I am, then this stuff is properly ‘out there and is going to feel uncomfortable – but if there’s a chance it could open doors for you personally or professionally, could it be worth a try? “

    - Anonymous, Chief of Staff, Business Process Services (Capital Markets)

 "Are you ready to face the parts of yourself that are in the way of your evolution?"

— Awakening Shakti, Sally Kempton -

I'll compassionately guide you using a three-pillar approach from clearing to clarity to creation. However, these are not passive practices.

True change and transformation require embodied integration, so commitment is essential. The tools are designed to get to the root of any unconscious blocks and help you meet everyday challenges and shift the fear from your nervous system (the holder of stress), mind and energy systems to provide calmness, clarity, self-mastery and flow. From here, opening up to your innate intuition and joy is easy.

“I met Nila at a corporate event. A team day focused on well-being. I was immediately struck by her gentle presence, that made everyone feel instantly comfortable and engaged for her session. She took us through a meditative journey and again, considering the varied personalities in my team, I was impressed with her ability to get buy-in from all of us, even the sceptics. It was a great session and after, I pursued her for a chat to learn more about her work. She was gracious, welcoming and encouraging, taking the time to find out more about me, what I wanted and how she could help. We agreed to work together, one to one and although I had experienced a taster of her impactful work, still, I was not prepared for the depth we covered in just two sessions.

As a man, it can sometimes be hard to connect with my inner world but what I found most empowering about Nila is her ability to make you trust her. She is so gentle in her approach, so unassuming and yet so firm in her confidence that for me, it made me know I could trust her no matter how deep we went.

Nila's entire aura is one that screams service. She is as knowledgeable about the science of her work as she is intuitive and courageous in leading you to discover your own power. She is an extremely insightful individual. Most important, above all, Nila is authentic. She genuinely wants to help; she truly has a heart for others and uses her immeasurable gifts to that end. So, whether your needs are corporate/business related or you are seeking support of a more personal nature, Nila will quickly become your go-to. She has for me.”

- Serge Rashidi - Zakuani. Innovation Coach. Sky UK

Kind Words

 My Values


Armed with the Why, and the tools to build resilience, mastery and intuition, I aim to offer scaffolding until you are ready and confident to come to your edge to evolve and flow gracefully.

Trust & Integrity

When we need help we’re at our most vulnerable, and that's scary. I want to bring you back to a place of calm and trust. Trust that all my content and methods are robustly researched and tested. I aim to never purposely mislead anyone

Personal Growth & Discovery

Curious and constantly striving to better ourselves and shine whilst permitting others to shine. I also aim to keep growing my toolset and knowledge

Responsibility & Respect

Owning your truth and worth is what makes you authentic. But this takes responsibility. To get things done, putting in the effort to change and owning your power while respecting others to own theirs. This means acting with discernment, never in judgement.

Intuitive Flow Awakening. Soul Awakening. Self-Mastery Must.

Intuitive Flow Awakening. Soul Awakening. Self-Mastery Must.

Want to go deeper?

Join the next intake for the soul expansion Intuitive Flow Awakening Course.

An 8-week powerful programme that will change the way you show up in the world to create with power, purpose and deep wisdom. See the Resources section for a window into the course that will awaken your intuitive intelligence. Join the list of exceptional souls.