It’s Time To Rethink Innovation.

Unlocking The Secret Of Genius One-Percenters

Creating Well-beings. The only way to get to create & innovate at the deep end.

For Disruptive Visionaries Creating Beautiful Creations and Flowing Teams, I welcome you!

It’s time to reveal the secret that will help you and your teams step up & unleash their full potential, mastery and well-being. Why? Because science knows they’re linked.

Ready For a New Way?

Neuroscience and ancient wisdom know why creative geniuses in flow are special: They use their brain differently and access deeper states to create, innovate and lead effectively. In addition, they are 34% happier.

But why do only 1% of people achieve this? Because they ask us to dive deep within and step up to our next level.

Think of it like getting to the deep end of the creativity pool. We need training to learn new protocols and tools to navigate past daily currents, accumulated stress, chaos, and emotional and energetic drag that stop us from reaching genius depths. Mainstream business and innovation hacks only get us past the shallow end, but we need to break through to the deep end to create like a genius and avoid burnout, the new pandemic of our time.

"Creativity is the hallmark of our species"- Elizabeth Gilbert, for
Self-Mastery Visionaries Imagineering Innovation Disruptive Businesses


A New Paradigm.

The new paradigm asks us to face the uncomfortable truth: our well-being is tied to our ability to create and innovate. We must navigate our brain and nervous system to embody our genius.

Science & Wisdom.

Our approach combines scientific and ancient wisdom protocols to help us tap into our creative, wise, and purposeful selves for our work, life, and happiness. By embracing creative flow and creative intelligence, we can unlock our imagination and enlightenment circuits, identified by neuroscienctists. This is the pinnacle and deep end of creativity.



Sustainable living, creation, and self-mastery are our offerings' core aims. Building resilience, easing the nervous system, and accessing the subconscious for innate wisdom, creativity and joy beyond fear. Breakthrough to deeper creativity, power, aliveness for effective business solutions, a creative, energised team and leaders.

Ready for a new way?

Navigating Flow

Navigating our neurophysiology and energy is pivotal in accessing deeper states to an optimal state and consciousness known as Flow. Flow enhances problem-solving 500X more effectively, making action effortless. It prevents burnout when facing chaos, uncertainty, and the messy middle of innovation and creation, the common fate for innovators and entrepreneurs who push hard until they can’t.

Here’s how we unlock your best:

Start where you are, and let’s discuss how we get you to your deep end.

This multi-sensory, multi-tool personal transformation offering is for
Self-Mastery Visionaries Soul Seekers Flow Higher Purpose


Ingenious Flow

It’s Time!

Bringing together more than two decades of leading award-winning innovations and behavioural change consultancy for start-ups and tech giants like Sky and Yahoo! Discover the secret sauce to unlock your genius potential with neuroscience, flow, and intuitive sciences. Activate your full potential and ensure you create a ‘Well-being’, as that is the only way to unlock your full genius potential. Explore flagship courses at the intersection of innovation, neuroscience and well-being. Try a module or consultancies for a fresh perspective on customer experience or to create a culture of trust and creative intelligence to breakthrough, through without burnout.

Flow Programme & 1:1 Coaching

The Flagship Course

Ingenious Flow - Creative Intelligence

Unleash the neuroscience secrets of creative geniuses and flow with our experiential training for individuals and teams. Activate your imagination circuits, foster resilience and self-mastery and embrace a new teamwork paradigm. This five-modular course identifies your dominant nervous system type and flow tools to regulate daily challenges and chaos. It’s time to unlock genius by learning and doing.

Flow Coaching

Clearing to Clarity, to Creative Flow

Introducing our transformative package for inner growth - 1:1 private sessions to release, reset, and rediscover yourself. Tap into your innate wisdom and purpose, leading to effective living and creating a lasting legacy. Personalised support and post-session care are included.

Be who you're meant to be, not conditioned to be. Be
Courageous. Audacious. Inspired. Passionate. Ingenious.


The Program -Ingenious Floow

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to supercharge your business? Deepen and unlock your team's intuitive innovation and create a powerful, masterful, ingenious leader or team. It's time to awaken and embody the resilient, flowing genius.

This is a unique, experiential course of insight and practice to self-mastery, energy, and innovation to awaken our innate genius for success, to breakthrough, not burnout. Because when we need to break through the most, it’s the hardest. Get trained.

    • You push your upper limits to create brilliance but are tired of the burnout culture that sacrifices your health, relationships, and well-being.

    • You seek self-mastery and flow, to be energised and creative to open opportunities for all your creations, interactions and relationships, and not have them hijacked when you're challenged, stressed and facing chaos.

    • You want to unlock and trust your inner wisdom and genius deeply, but crippling doubt and blocks step in when you need it most.

    • You've run traditional innovation labs and workshops, but you can't get people (& yourself) out of old, limited brainwave states, resulting in the same tired ideas and growing frustration.

    • You know your energy is powerful and ready to turn it up to ripple and impact your relationships, your creations and attract success.

    • This journey is a 5-part package that unfolds the story of why and how creative geniuses, at the heart of all successful breakthroughs, optimise three key brainwave states and practices to demonstrate why and how they don’t abandon that genius when they are under stress and challenge.

    • This experiential, inspiring course blends the secrets of neuroscience, flow and nervous system somatics to help innovative and disruptive businesses deepen into themselves, create at the deep end, gain self-mastery and step up, especially during stress and uncertainty.

    • How? By unlocking the enabler - The person behind the creations.

    • If you are a business or HR manager, let's discuss how we can personalize this for your business. Book a discovery call.

      If you are a sole entrepreneur or visionary, please register your interest in joining the program with other visionaries. This is a wonderful opportunity to innovate and collaborate together. Let's connect and make great things happen.

  • Unlock deeper wisdom for innovation and creativity.

  • For self-development, mastery and well-being – as the only way to unlock heightened performance and creativity.

  • New approach to team dynamics and cohesion.

  • Befriending chaos and creating breakthroughs without burnout for work and life.

  • Energy Entrainment. Learning to turn on our energy, and setting our energy signatures to high for success.

The Foundation to Self Mastery & Genius

 This flagship Ingenious course is a new approach to self-mastery, genius innovations and building resilience under uncertainty and challenge to:

It’s a new paradigm and journey of self-discovery.

A new way to build a sustainable, creative, and healthier business for purpose-driven organisations.

Unlocking the the creator: the person and teams behind the creations. This means navigating our own neurophysiology to unlock the secrets of creative genius.

The truth is, the only way to get to the deep end of creativity and innovation pool, is to get to the deep end of us, and that requires, Well-beings. This programme, offers a way of life, not just for work.

Kind words said by clients:
Insightful, Wise and Caring. Intuitive & Couragous. Changed my narrative. Amazing and powerful. Created an inspiring & safe space.

  • Kind Words

    “ I met Nila at a corporate event. A team day focused on well-being. I was immediately struck by her gentle presence, that made everyone feel instantly comfortable and engaged for her session. She took us through a meditative journey and again, considering the varied personalities in my team, I was impressed with her ability to get buy-in from all of us, even the sceptics. It was a great session and after, I pursued her for a chat to learn more about her work. She was gracious, welcoming and encouraging, taking the time to find out more about me, what I wanted and how she could help. We agreed to work together, one to one and although I had experienced a taster of her impactful work, still, I was not prepared for the depth we covered in just two sessions

    As a man, it can sometimes be hard to connect with my inner world but what I found most empowering about Nila is her ability to make you trust her. She is so gentle in her approach, so unassuming and yet so firm in her confidence that for me, it made me know I could trust her no matter how deep we went.

    Nila's entire aura is one that screams service. She is as knowledgeable about the science of her work as she is intuitive and courageous in leading you to discover your own power. She is an extremely insightful individual. Most important, above all, Nila is authentic. She genuinely wants to help; she truly has a heart for others and uses her immeasurable gifts to that end. So, whether your needs are corporate/business related or you are seeking support of a more personal nature, Nila will quickly become your go-to. She has for me.”

    Serge Rashidi - Zakuani. Innovation Coach. Sky UK

  • Kind Words

    “With the Intuitive Flow Training & mentoring I received from Nila, I was able to really tune into my intuition and gain some clarity after working through certain subconscious belief systems. I absolutely loved the way I was guided through the meditations and also allowed to tune into my higher self to make effective leadership decisions. 100% recommend @nila_awakeningflow. Thank you, you wonderful soul”

    — Mital Thanki– Founder of Spark Academy

  • Kind Words

    “Nila is an inspiration. I worked with her when she provided me with careers coaching and general life guidance. With her upbeat help and support, I have now moved on with my employment and have developed a lot of positive habits on the way! She opened up my horizons to the positive impacts of Mindfulness and Open Mindsets; both are a must to achieve your life and career goals.”

    — Adrian Crispin, Project Manager – Digital & Technology (2020)

Why it matters?

Because You Matter - As you shine with compassion for yourself, and share your unique gifts, you give others permission to shine also.

Author of Conscious Creativity & Flow in the anthology Conscious Revolution.

I empower visionaries to transcend and unlock their potential to Imagineer and be unlimited.

Businesses leverage my 25 years of award-winning product innovation experience to transform leadership and sustainable innovation for life and work.

Imagineering, (to borrow from Disney), is our gift to image, create, and engineer not just our innovations but also our life, joy, and legacy. It’s what we are here to do. But too many people get stuck, play small and sabotaged. They feel un-empowered by life, chaos and situations. And it’s not our fault, but we can take action.

As a product innovator and neurophysiological expert, I know our subconscious brain, body, and energy can act like a circuit breaker, pulling us back from heightened creativity and intuition 

-the key to success and breakthroughs when we most need them as we dance with chaos. There is a better way: unlock our innate gifts and deeper wisdom and cultivate resilience - from the inside out.

Why it matters to me?

I was the burnt-out innovator, but you don't have to be. I know that the work-life balance is a myth. We can only keep pushing if we understand how to regulate our nervous system. But I looked for answers and unlocked more than ease within my body.

I am passionate about helping people and avoiding giving up on their vision and themselves like I nearly did—your energy and vision matter. We need more conscious and soul-driven people to raise the vibrations for all, especially now.

Watch my keynote on the Myth of the work-life balance at the London Women in Tech Awards.

Kind Words

“Nila’s range of knowledge on behavioural science, neuroscience and emotional systems was great and really helpful for our teams to understand our audiences better. Nila’s passion on the subject really shone and made us realise there was so much more to understand about the human brain.”

-Krishna Vora-Lees – Executive Product Manager: BBC Bitesize (2021)

The Foundations

Understand the Fuel and Friction to human behaviour and tools.

Discover the power of the subconscious mind and its impact on human behaviour. Explore neuroscience, neuromarketing, and behavioural sciences to enhance attention, creativity, and self-control. Gain insights into the gap between our intentions and actions, a common problem in both human and customer research. Adopt Design Thinking Methodologies to define, develop and deliver.

Creating Engaging Customer Experiences

Behavioural Product Consultancy

Lean into my 20 years of Award-winning behavioural product experience



Flow & Self-Mastery for all your worlds: Where are you out of 10-0?

Are you confident in leading and connecting with your team, peers, and customers, or is there uncertainty, tension and inauthenticity? Leaders are the demonstration for all, and their energy ripples and impacts all they encounter. Elevate your energy, leadership, and intuition with Flow Coaching or Ingenious Flow Programme.

The Lever’s

Psychology, Persuasive Technology & Frameworks

Learn behavioural science's levers, frameworks, and FAANG* tools to ethically connect with customers' minds for attention, engagement, and loyalty. (FAANG: Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google) use.

Inject magic into your innovation, ideation, and agile delivery methods for inspired flow.

This multi-sensory, multi-tool transformation offering is for
Resilience. To befriend chaos. Self-Mastery. Shifting past upper limits. Self-leadership. Inner joy,for work & life.


Kind Words

“Nila presented fascinating insights from behavioural psychology which were really relevant to the fitness app we’re developing. The session subsequently sparked great ideas of how we can help customers form healthy habits and increase our usage going forwards. I would definitely recommend her– my only regret is not giving Nila a longer time window to present!”

— Richard Shanahan - Senior Product Lead, Sky UK, Beyond TV Product Hub (2022)

Be who you're meant to be, not conditioned to be. Be
Courageous. Audacious. Inspired. Passionate. Graceful.


Why Flow & The Benefits For Work

Why Flow & The Benefits For Work?

Because it’s our path to our best selves. It’s a way of being and doing rooted in science and ancient wisdom.

It’s the way to unlock our neuro-physiology and therefore, genius, creativity and peak performance.