Reiki & Chakra Clearing

Reiki is a non-touch ancient healing method to help release blocked energy for your well-being, vitality, and relief. As a passive healing modality, this is an excellent place to start your energy healing journey.

Reiki is one form of energy healing used by ancient traditions for hundreds of years, designed to shift unconscious and conscious blockages in the physical and subtle anatomy that stop life force energy from flowing optimally. This energy is invisible to the naked eye, but if you are stressed, blocked, or run down, you will feel it as heaviness, lethargy, or even physical pain.

Moving these energy blocks can aid healing in the physical body, gain peace of mind, increase energy and motivation, and reduce stress and anxiety.

Chakra’s or energy centres hold specific information and are personal power centres.

The goal for your session is personal to you, discussed at the start of the session, yet, I don’t need to know your whole background, just what your desired outcome is, e.g. pain relief, more energy or mental clarity. That is the energy I will work on within this session.

Two treatment types are available online or in person:

  • Intuitive Reiki & Chakra Clearing - A deep dive into your unconscious to understand your chakra blocks and fears, followed by a mixture of Reiki or other embodiment tools (including tapping).

Reiki is based on five principles explained to you during your session to help you with ongoing integration, release, and well-being. You will be invited to integrate these into your home practices and additional practices that I can tailor for you for optimal integration of mind, body and soul.

Please note these sessions can be done long-distance or in person.


  • Intuitive Reiki & Chakra Clearing: 60 minutes for £65/ £75*

    The first session is *75 minutes

Cancellation Policy - 24-hour cancellation policy unless covid related



How & why does Reiki and Energy Healing work?

We are all energy (proven by Quantum Physics), you can’t see Xray’s, but they exist. Your brain and heart can be measured with devices like an EEG, ECG (electrocochleogram, or electrocardiogram) because they hold an electromagnetic field. This is what Reiki is doing – moving and unblocking energy.

If you’re a bit sceptical, I don’t blame you; I was too. After I sceptically had my first Reiki session, I was blown away and was drawn to learn to do this myself.  I felt the energy in my hands all my life but didn’t understand it. I wanted to know how it worked and how to do it. However, only after I fully understood the Science of Intuition and energy did I fully appreciate Reiki. Once I integrated this knowledge, I become a more robust and clearer channel for healing.

How does Reiki work through the practitioner?

Reiki energy is transferred through me; think of me like a conductor directing the energy current through your main energy centres or Chakra points. The energy attempts to loosen and untie knots of energy accumulated in both your physical and subtle anatomy. However, I do not need to place my hands on you directly.  Your energy is within and around your body, so Reiki can be done at a distance (in fact, I don’t need to be in the same country, explained by the science of Intuition). I have experienced my most powerful sessions away from my teachers and healers.

Can it be used for physical pain?

Yes, although it is recommended that you see (or continue to see) a medical specialist. I have personally used this on family members during their cancer treatment to provide relief, extra energy, and motivation. This was also my main impetus to help others.