Freebies: Library of Practical Masterclasses & Resources.

The resource spans content to open to your innate intuitive flow and keep your mind, body, energy and soul flowing, creative and radiant.

Honesty Journal

Intuitive FLow Masterclasses

Flow Academy: Sneak Peak into - Intuitive Flow Masterclasses

Do you want to know how to tap into your intuition and entrain your energy? Well, you are in the right place. Check out these two classes that cover the basics. They are part of an 8-week course that will transform how you show up and connect with your natural intuition, energy and the world. Class 1 helps you identify your intuitive types, and class 2 reveals what in us blocks our flow and intuition.

Learn at your pace until the next intake opens. This is a true soul awakening & self-mastery must.

Join the List

Guided Visualisation for Healing

When your heart feels heavy, travel with Eagle spirit to get some perspective and love.

Activating Gratitude

Gratitude has been found to help move us out of heavy, dark energy. It takes more than just writing and listing things you’re grateful for to lift us from fear to movement. If you are doing that, you are doing it wrong! Although this video doesn't discuss science or research, it uses all the techniques to help feel and embody gratitude. Like I say with all my practices: Don't move until you are moved! Good luck: What you appreciates, appreciates, and it starts with gratitude!

Self Discovery - Map of you

Sick of getting in your way?

Does creating the life and legacy you desire feel like something worthwhile? You're in good hands. Download the map of self-discovery below to receive a free breakdown of how your inner world can create and curate a beautiful outer reality. 

Read the Blog for five tips, and download the free PDF guide. Look out for the live masterclass, where we fill in the map and explore what’s deeper.


Meditations on Insight Timer

Access Meditations on Insight Timer, From Morning meditations to awakening your Creativity & Enlightenment circuits and Pranayama Breathing exercises.

A science-based gratitude practice

Honesty Journal

Free gift for my clients (grab yours now, whatever the month)

Change is powerful and liberating, but it only happens when we are honest & that is why I created this for my clients: It’s a 2024 Honesty Journal to say goodbye to 'Same - Same - but Different!' Break free from the sad echoes of the past, where the only variable is us (gulp)! Where we have high hopes but don’t follow through.  

Enter the Honesty Journal—a tool for brave souls. It's for those ready to up-level themselves, shoulder responsibility, and become the catalyst for change. 


Blog - WTF, What the Flow Boost

A blog for insights, inspirations and joining dots.

The WTF flow boast provides the why what and how from the breaking new research, insights and tools, to some musings as I join dots from the 3 S’s to help inspire, cultivate and help you boost your flow - mind, body, energy and soul. I grow with you, so let me know if you have a specific question or topic - I’ll get on it, or point you to the right person!

YouTube Shorts & Podcasts-Creativity, Performance & Wellness At Work, Life & Relationships

These short videos will impact the quality of work, creativity, relationships and energy we show up with in life and work with practical tools to take control and gain self-mastery: Mind, body, energy and soul.

For Well-Beings To Feel Radiant, Whole & Empowered. The Path To Awakenings

Imagine boarding a train, at one end, you go to passion, perseverance and grit to success, at the other, Interia and burnout. This is the track of motivation

There is a place in the middle that can help you avoid going down the wrong path, and the question we can ask when we get there.

Three Steps To Self-Mastery To Avoid Regret - 3 minutes to self-power.

As featured on Chris Evans Breakfast Show

What if you could see the impact of stress on your body and others? Would it make you want to learn some tools to channel and release it?

I explain what stress does to you and also how three decades of studies show that stress is really contagious.

Sneak Peak: Introducing an AFLOW method to go within and a guided mediation session. See the full version here:

A Key note speech on the Myth of the work-life balance for Women in tech for Sky & IBM leaders

Beautiful Business Podcast with Nila Matthews on the myth of the work

In discussion with the Beautiful Business Podcast Team, 2 episodes discussing:

  1. Unlocking your optimal self & navigating flow

  2. Befriending Chaos: Embracing Creativity & Connection. Discussion for leaders on imposter syndrome and building authentic connections

Self Mastery Series: Finding Focus is Essential to success and flow, and we can’t do it with willpower alone. So what are the critical components?

If you hold yourself back from opportunities and then regret it - you may want to watch this: Time to stand in your own power!

Navigating your brainwave states for success, inner peace and oneness

A quick tool to help you challenge your critical voice and assumptions

Podcast: An interview with a TV presenter for Dope & Damaged about the Gap between what we say/want, but do and get.

This explains why & how to get into heart coherence - (PS. It’s essential for your flow & joy!)

Quick tip to help you get conscious about how we form habits and how to keep them or lose them.

Self-Mastery in 90 seconds - How to deal with other people’s emotions & your fears when activated.