Intuitive Intelligence® & Psychology - From Force to Flow

Align & Awaken To Your Unlimited Self.

Hi, I’m Nila

The question isn’t, have you got an intuitive genius and purpose? The question is, “What in me needs to shift to unlock it?” Ready to flow unbounded to success, joy and wholeness, especially if chaos is present?

Are you feeling stuck, but you know you have a vision for more and are ready to unlock your higher wisdom, confidence, creativity, energy, and purpose? You're in the right place.

I help visionaries, creatives, and those on their awakening journey break boundaries, get unstuck and gain clarity. Together, we journey to clear the obstacles keeping you unconsciously stuck—to heal, trust yourself, and unlock your gifts and magic. Are you ready to shift from force to flow and confidently create the joy, life, and legacy you are here to create? This is an embodiment journey to unlock your flow, i.e. your most optimal, creative and unlimited self.

"Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself."- George Bernard Shaw, for
Self-Mastery Visionaries Soul Seekers Flow Higher Purpose


1:1 Services

3 Options To Reset, Reclaim, and Re-create

Experience a comprehensive mind, body, energy, and soul protocol for a deep reset - true embodiment. My methods combine cutting-edge science and researched ancient wisdom to help you reach deeper states of consciousness, clear limiting beliefs, and ease your nervous system (the holder of stress) for healing to open to your flow, genius and brilliance. This will create a lasting neural-physiological pathway shift to increase confidence, energy and access to your innate intuitive wisdom.

Align To Thrive

1:1 Vibrant Creative Life - The Flow Genius Method

This unique signature six-session structured journey aligns all the parts of you to help you thrive and shine and be open to your full energy and genius using neuroscience and ancient wisdom to breakthrough.

This is a unique programme, so I offer a 20/25-minute video to help the cognitive mind understand the, ‘why’ it works and ‘where’ we are safely navigating to. From here, our 1:1 sessions allow us to go deeper into the subconscious places that hold the answers. I safely scaffold you to explore and break the habit of you that is holding you back from your most vibrant, creative life.

Ready to thrive unapologetically with purpose?

Intuitive Guidance

Clearing to Clarity - Release & Reclaim

This powerful, intuitive 80/90-minute one-off 1:1 altered state of consciousness journey will help you go deep within to explore blocks and patterns in your subconscious and energy systems, gain clarity, and move into alignment. This session is the building block to a deeper consciousness awakening to align and flow. Can you afford not to know what is deeper and keeping you stuck?

Align & Flow Coaching

Clearing to Clarity to Creative - Intuitive Flow

Flow Coaching is a four or six-tailored program that fits your needs. We go deep within your unconscious and energy to align and flow. We see all that needs to be shifted to unlock your innate wisdom, healing, power, purpose, and unlimited self. We shift past doubt, stress, trauma, or burnout. Remember the alchemical saying: “As within, so without.” This program helps you re-set ‘ your ‘within’ to project what you want on the outside and cultivate the right energy to attract it.

Ready for the secret?

Why do only 1% of people unlock their genius?

Neuroscience and ancient wisdom know why creative geniuses in flow are special: They use their brain differently, access deeper states, and are 34% happier when in flow. But why do only 1% of people achieve this? They ask us to level up, befriend stress, and navigate our internal circuit breakers, as it is risky to create, keep creating, and lead in uncertainty. These courses and protocols are designed to unlock your genius wisdom and intuition, which means unlocking your neurophysiology and self-esteem. Are you curious and courageous enough?

Flow Academy Programmes

Intuitive Flow - Awaken To Higher Wisdom & Become Unbounded

Intuitive Intelligence® Training

This course will powerfully change the way you show up in the world, as it did for me. This is for those on their consciousness, energy, and spiritual awakening journey to open up to their higher wisdom, innate intuition (past gut intuition), and self-mastery, where they are no longer willing to delegate their self-esteem and agency to others.

This unique program will take you on a journey to meet your whole and empowered self. Science and ancient wisdom hold the keys to a truly turned-on intuition and understanding of how energy works for attraction. This is for seekers, visionaries and leaders who know they have more and are ready to live and create it with clarity. This is a journey to freedom, mastery, and unlocking of your inner knowing to become unbounded by all that has held you back. It’s time to shine.

Ingenious Flow Course to learn neuroscience secrets of geniuses

Business & Visionaries

Ingenious Flow Course, Creative Intelligence

A paradigm shift to create disruptive innovation that starts from the inside. Unleash the neuroscience secrets of creative geniuses and flow with our experiential training for individuals and teams. Activate your imagination circuits, foster resilience, and embrace a new teamwork paradigm. Identify your dominant nervous system type and flow tools to regulate daily challenges and chaos.

It’s Time to Create

It all begins with an idea—an idea that you are more and want more, and I’m here to help you unlock it, as it’s all within, but we must do it in a human-sustainable way.

I welcome you! I guide purpose-driven businesses, creatives, and visionaries (i.e., people with a vision for themselves) to activate deeper creativity, energy, wisdom, and joy. Together, we'll transition from the burnout culture of yesterday and subconscious limits to a harmonious state of Flow—an optimal and impactful way of creating, living, and healing for work and life. Whether you’re a rebel creating the next new thing in tech or life or looking to create your joy, purpose and life, this is for you.

Join the revolution to unlock hidden wisdom and potential.

Join me to Flow and Thrive.

It’s a journey to unlock your genius, energy and brilliance as we’re all here on purpose, for a purpose, and there’s an easier way with the secrets of neuroscience, physiology and ancient wisdom. Become unlimited and unstressable and unleash your beautiful brilliance to create impact and waves.

Ready to unlock your best - Find out what path is right for you .

This multi-sensory, multi-tool transformation offering is for
Self-Mastery Visionaries Soul Seekers Flow Higher Purpose

  • Kind words

    “Nila is a force and an absolute delight to work with. She creates a beautiful space where I feel seen, held, and challenged. Her brilliance in neuroscience and the science of flow is balanced with her reverence for the sacred. Paired with her wit and humor, her sessions are an experience like no other. I can’t recommend Nila enough. - Sonja, Leadership Specialist (USA)

Item 1 of 2

Be who you're meant to be, not conditioned to be. Be
Courageous. Audacious. Inspired. Passionate. Graceful.


Masterclasses & Resources

Top Resources & Workshops

Workshops & Events

For Well-beings: WTF, What the flow boost

Why it matters?

Because You Matter - As you shine with compassion for yourself, and share your unique gifts, you give others permission to shine also.

Nila Matthews presenting at a Women in Tech day on Work-Life Balance Myth

Unlock Your Genius and Heal:

I empower people to dare to live and create from the deep end of their genius in Flow.

I am a Well-being, Flow and Creativity expert, coach and trainer. With a background in behavioural product technology to build tech for good, my expertise is unconscious processing. Today, I am also a trauma-informed neuroscience expert, Intuitive Intelligence® Trainer, and author on creativity and flow; I help you tap into your genius circuits for healing, work and confidence, awakening you to your optimal self and brilliance. Why?

Self-mastery and flow are essential for accessing your deepest creativity, genius, brilliance, and intuition. Without them, we remain stuck in the shallows, unable to access our healing or full genius because the uncomfortable truth is that well-being and genius are linked.

With 25 years as a corporate product innovator and a master’s in Psychology, now a neurophysiological expert, I understand:

  • Mind-Body-Heart Connection: Constant stress creates long-term health issues and short-term regretful reactions.

  • Stress Impact: Unresolved stress blocks creativity, performance, and intuition. It’s like working in heavy fog.

  • Our subconscious brain, body, and energy can fuel or hinder our success.

Featured on Chris Evans Breakfast Show

Why it matters to me?

I was a successful corporate innovator until I burnt out by ignoring life and work stresses. After my sixth major operation, I reset my energy levels and discovered my true calling: helping people heal and avoid burnout.

I now passionately guide others to maintain their vision and energy, help people heal, and avoid giving up on their vision and themselves, as I nearly didyour energy and vision matter.

Watch my keynote on the Myth of the work-life balance.

Combining my wellness, neuroscience, behaviour, somatics, and energy healing expertise with Intuitive Intelligence® training as a Spiritual Director, I help individuals unlock their deeper wisdom and self-mastery.

For businesses that want to cultivate optimal joyful staff and a trusting, innovative environment, leverage my 25 years of award-winning product innovation experience to transform leadership and sustainable innovation for life and work.

My mission is to democratise genius, intuition, joy, and inner healing - and the uncomfortable truth is they are linked. We all have a unique purpose, and by aligning ourselves to flow and awaken our genius, we can shine our unique magic.

My biggest love is connecting with my clients and watching their transformation. As they grow, I grow.

My clients have gone on to get dream jobs, stand firm in stress and chaos to create and innovate, find joy where they felt nothing before, create amazing businesses, and perform past their unconscious blocks and previous burnout. This is about sustainable human creation and performance to align and thrive. Ready to unlock your brilliance?

Kind Words clients have said
Awakening & powerful sessions Changed my self-narrative Intuitive & Couragous Created a safe, healing space Entire aura screams service

  • Kind Words

    “I met Nila at a corporate event. A team day focused on well-being. I was immediately struck by her gentle presence, that made everyone feel instantly comfortable and engaged for her session. She took us through a meditative journey and again, considering the varied personalities in my team, I was impressed with her ability to get buy-in from all of us, even the sceptics. It was a great session and after, I pursued her for a chat to learn more about her work. She was gracious, welcoming and encouraging, taking the time to find out more about me, what I wanted and how she could help. We agreed to work together, one to one and although I had experienced a taster of her impactful work, still, I was not prepared for the depth we covered in just two sessions. (continued…)

Item 1 of 3

This multi-sensory, multi-tool transformation offering is for
Awakening Intuition Creativity Soul Seekers Healing Inner Joy


 Life is too short to be on Repeat & Regret.

Our real power comes from cultivating our self-esteem from the inside out, not from the outside. If we act from the outside, looking for external validation, life can often disappoint us, and we turn to other ways to numb us or make us feel momentarily gratified. When we act from here, we fall into the repeat regret cycle.

As an ex-sports trainer, I know we need a solid inner core to perform and avoid injury. As our outer superficial muscles weaken, we can’t go the distance. It’s the same with us, so we go within and heal from the inside out to live unapologetically as our authentic selves, with no regret.

So, what is holding back your flow?

Many ancient texts recognised that your life is a reflection of what is below: “As above, so below, as within, so without” (Tao Te-Ching, Egyptian Hermetic Universal laws).

Think of your life as a mystery novel. You're looking for the pieces to unlock your unlimited self. The trick is not to get caught in one part of the story. Instead, observe and learn how to release the blockages from with to attract the things you do want.

 "Are you ready to face the parts of yourself that are in the way of your evolution?"

— Awakening Shakti, Sally Kempton -


Be who you're meant to be, not conditioned to be. Be
Courageous. Audacious. Inspired. Passionate. Graceful.


Why Flow? 

Why am I passionate about Flow?

Because it’s our path to our best selves. It’s a way of being and doing rooted in science and ancient wisdom. We move from force to flow to freedom to unlock and activate our best and optimal self and consciousness.

It’s the way to unlock our neuro-physiology and most incredible innate wisdom, intuition and peak performance.