Intuitive Flow Awakening Programme

Unbounded- Ignite Your Legacy

Flow with an unbounded, unrehearsed joy, aliveness & intuitive knowing.

Ready to activate it when it matters most—i.e. all of the time?

The Journey - Unbounded

This journey isn’t about waiting for fear to pass or those elusive insights to download, but higher wisdom, self-mastery, freedom and empowerment—moving from force to flow and becoming the intuitive flow itself—something you practice and experience, not just read about.

Here, we learn the language of the soul to ignite our truth and power and gain clarity to create our joy, life, and legacy with confidence. To do this, we must free ourselves—to be unbounded. This is the journey to our freedom, connection, and legacy. Are you ready to embark on the journey and awaken your intuitive intelligence® - the science & wisdom of being of soul led?

What if

  • You could live unapologetically in alignment with your truth, driven by your higher wisdom and soul voice.

  • What if you could move out of crippling doubt to an inner knowing?

  • Activate true self-leadership and mastery over your neurophysiology. If we cannot navigate these circuit breakers, we will not unlock our wisdom and genius.

  • What if your radiance, energy and self-esteem didn’t leak every time others’ negative energy, situations, or chaos challenged you?

  • What if you could learn to magnetise, not polarise, with your energy - What would you call it? Where would you go?

  • What if you could meet life on life’s terms without falling into combat or collapse and anxiety, impacting your longer-term health, yet know when to play your hand and act intentionally?

  • Learn how to enhance your meditation spiritual practices and connection.


  • How rich, supported, and meaningful life would be if doubt, fear, and sabotaging actions were gone? Here, we learn the wisdom and practices to bridge the gap to living life guided by your intuitive flow and befriending fear.

  • Imagine what it would feel like to trust yourself and feel connected.

  • How empowered would you feel if you weren’t compelled to delegate your decisions to others (or to an oracle card and crystals)?

  • If you could be the zen, you would effectively navigate back to calm and take action from a creative - productive - spiritually - grounded place.

  • How liberating it feels to walk into a room and let yourself shine unbounded.

  • Live unapologetically in alignment with your truth to fulfil your legacy.

What will you release?

This journey guides you to be unbounded: To ‘unlearn to learn’ and become who you were meant to be. What will you release to gain this freedom? Maybe the critical, nagging voice or old narratives and behaviours keep you playing small and stuck. What holds you back from your true purpose, joy, and intuition? And what could new confidence and inner knowing with mastery unlock to help you become?

This programme will ‘unbound’ you to unlock your hidden soul voice and hidden potential.

The Sacred Space

Welcome to this revolutionary wisdom offered in a compassionate space where ancient wisdom meets science to awaken your innate superpower: Intuition. Here, we strengthen intuitive intelligence® to ignite self-leadership, connection, mastery, and trust with wisdom, tools and practices. This is an experiential course.

Secure your spot in this eight-week live program rooted in the renowned work of the Institute of Intuitive Intelligence®. I combine this with insights from Flow, neuroscience, and somatics to elevate your intuition and unlock the laws of the universe.

Spaces are limited for personalized guidance, allowing you to dive deep and fully integrate this transformative wisdom.

Doors Now Open for September Intake, starting Thursday 27th September.


What others said after completing this Initiate programme with the Institute of Intuitive Intelligence®*:

“If you’re hesitating, just jump in and do it because there is no way you won’t get anything from this program, and it offers practices you can use time and again to continue to grow.”

Laura - New Zealand


This Progamme Teaches

  • The Science of Intuition

  • Heart Science and Heart Congruence

  • Determining your dominant intuition style

  • The Law of Mentalism

  • Energy Expansion

  • Releasing limiting subconscious beliefs

  • The Law of Correspondence

  • The Law of Vibration

  • The Intuitive Intelligence® Micro Method

  • Flow Science & AFLOW Method

  • Meditations & Spiritual Practices

  • Increasing Spiritual Sight

  • Somatic Tools to call in your flow & calm

    • Weekly 2 hours of live training every Thursday, 7-9pm UK time; 2-4pm ET.

    • Accompanied by - a 45-minute Clinic, a Q&A & integration session (Tues - tbc).

    • Access to recorded lectures in video & audio format

    • Evidence-based Intuitive Intelligence Practices

    • Community & Connection: Including a Private Facebook Group to scaffold & share wins with each other. This will be life-transforming in itself.

    • Bonus Meditations and tools.

    • 3 Pricing bundles: Optional one-to-one guided sessions to go deeper.

    • Zoom Classes - Every Thursday at 7pm - 9 Pm (Live or get a recording)

    • 45 Minute Clinics - Q&A & integration: Mon or Tues at 7.30 - 8.45 pm (TBC)

    • Opening ceremony & class: 10th October 2024 (date change)

    • Last Session & Closing Ceremony: 28th November 2024

    • All recordings will be sent via email after the class.

    • 3 Pricing bundles available.

  • Three options are available:

    1. Basic Package: £349 (Early Bird - until Sept 20th); Normal cost £389 for 8 classes + clinics

    2. Go Deeper: + Three, 121 Intuitive Mentoring & Nervous systems type- Early Bird:£667 (20% discount applied to mentoring sessions)

      After 20th Sept £814 (mentoring valued at £133 per session)

    3. Transform: + Six, 121 Intuitive Mentoring & Nervous systems sessions - £985 (with 20% discount).

      After 20th Sept: £1025. Normal price, £1188 - no discount.

      Note: Payment for the basic package will be taken before the program - payment for additional mentoring can be made before the mentoring sessions begin - please flag which option you are taking on booking form.

      Refund policy: Refund in full before the course, 70% refund for remaining course after week 3. No refund for the remaining eight week programme before and after week 4.

      Please reach out if you have additional questions.

      Mentoring sessions can be taken over 6 months.

Based On Firm Roots: What others said about the foundation course by the Institute of Intuitive Intelligence®

  • I loved this program. I went in wanting to better understand intuition, having always felt drawn to it but not really understanding it. I walked away with a deeper trust in myself, an appreciation that we can all cultivate our intuition, and it can guide me better than anyone else can. That’s been really empowering for me.

    S. Harvey - Leadership Specialist

  • This course is ideal for anyone who wants to align or connect to themselves better. If you are in any way “stuck”, disengaged or disenchanted, this program is for you. Even if you don’t want to be a spiritual leader, this course content provides a great anchor to help propel you forward. This program removed fear and self-doubt and taught me how to trust in myself. This course offers not only the support but the tools to use every single day. This WORKS!

    S Young

  • I have now gratefully received a seriously powerful tool kit to stay fearless and create a life beyond my wildest dreams. I have experienced bringing my deepest fears to the light, I have made the most beautiful connections, I have had the most profound and overwhelming experience of meeting one of my guides, and gained deep understanding of who I am

    K Jamieson

Creator of Awakening Flow, psychologist, coach, wellness expert, Spiritual Director and accredited Intuitive Intelligence Trainer.  With 18 years in corporate & innovation leadership, I have spent the last decade training from traditional neuroscience and psychology to energy healing to ancient wisdom to unleash my purpose, confidence, and intuition. Despite my outward confidence and success, I was crippled with doubt and illness. Yet, I knew I had more and could access more, so I followed the golden thread of my intuitive nudges and became unbounded to live my most intuitive - vibrant - creative life in flow, and now I know it’s time to share.

Hi, I’m Nila

As I trained to become an Intuitive Intelligence Trainer, what excited me most were the women I met. They are from all walks of life—lawyers, psychologists, writers, senior leaders, mums, and spiritual seekers—but all soul-led visionaries. Knowing they had more and were ready to shed what was holding us back from fully flowing and feeling whole. This program opened us all up to being unbounded to serve and lead. So, I’m honoured to share this with you, too, for your freedom, expansion, and intuitive flow.  Ready to feel and live unbounded, too? Join us.