“Riddikulus" & Reflecting on Fear & Courage: Lessons from Graham and David At Harry Potter World

How was May for you? It's been an interesting and often fearful month for me, but this month brought us Mental Health Awareness Week, which was timely given the state of the world. With anxiety and fear on the rise due to the state of the world and burnout rates said to be at 40% for most, I aimed to bring some lightness, practical tools, and humour through two videos, which I share here. They are designed to help us banish fear and stress and also maintain our power and self-mastery in the face of chaos. Below is also the monthly regulars and events.

Harry potter Boggart Wardrobe & Dementors at Harry Potter Studio Tour London

Facing Fears

  • The Boggart Wardrobe - Riddikulus. See why it works below.

  • Meeting Dementors is another lesson for another day, and it too is based in science.

 Self-Mastery and Stopping Regret: Use ARC

In this video, I discuss how anchors, Space hoppers and Time-Turners (from Harry Potter) can help you avoid regret and remain empowered. Behind the post-it notes, I go on to explain the ARC method—to stay centred in the face of chaos to help with our mental health.  Check it out. 

“Riddikulus: Reflecting on Fear & Courage: Lessons from Graham and David

Secondly, I wanted to share my reflections while standing in the field with my dog, Dobby and recognise that despite my fears, having humour was critical to meeting Fear.

I reflected on the remarkable courage and spirit of two men I met this month, Graham and David. They sought my advice and help, and I noticed Graham struggling to walk with a stroller; I nearly offered to find him a wheelchair. Then, I realised Graham was the guide. My heart dropped, and I was humbled as he guided his blind partner, David, who was holding onto his shoulder as they made their way around the Harry Potter Studio Tour, which is long and can take up to five hours.

I helped them with their digital guide and gave inside information on the behind-the-scenes secrets of the making of Harry Potter, as I know a lot, given I’m an Harry Potter geek. We laughed, we talked and connected, and I was moved.

Despite their challenges, they exuded joy and humour, demonstrating a resilience that humbled me deeply. Having experienced severe illness and multiple surgeries, where I could barely walk for a month each time, I was awed. Their strength reminded me of the power of facing our fears and evolving with laughter and a smile, which means we keep our fears and stress at a distance. So, I offer this: 

 The Charm Spell of "Ridiculous"

Inspired by Harry Potter, I offer the spell "Riddikulus" to transform our fears. With this spell, we can banish a Boggart, a shape-shifting creature that takes the form of our worst fear. We can shift our mindset by humorously visualising our fears—like putting roller skates on a spider. From here, we have the power to transmute the fear into something comical and less fearful.

Why It Works:

Stress triggers a high-beta brainwave state, impairing clear thinking. It's like a car stuck in second gear, unable to perform optimally. It often provokes a short temper, overwhelmed, real sadness, and heavy energy. I'm sure we have all been in that state, and trying to solve problems or do anything is hard and forceful. 

However, by inviting lightness and humour, we can shift to a more helpful brainwave state, opening our minds to solutions and helping us move from survival- which is fear-based - to creative or analytical thinking and lighter energy helping us to thrive.

There is more science - I could start discussing befriending your ACC (anterior cingulate cortex), a key brain area Creative Geniuses ignite when solving problems. - But don't worry - to cut a long story short (too late, I hear you say), it opens when we are in a good mood and then allows us to have that Eureka moment, to solve problems by joining dots. I am sure you have felt it. It's euphoric, and yes, we can inner-engineer that state by knowing how to navigate the brain and nervous system. 

Also, as fear is an energy, the law of thermodynamics tells us that we cannot make energy disappear, but we can transmute it into something else. Laughter allows us to take that heavy, dense energy, and just like ice transmuting into water and then vapour when heated and excited, we turn it into something else. There is more science here, but for now:

 Back to fear and Riddikulus: 

 Three Practical Steps To Banish Fears & Use The Spell: 

  1. Rate Your Fear: Identify your fear level on a scale of 1 to 10.

  2. Use Somatic Tools: To calm your nervous system, try the physiological sigh—inhale through your nose for two counts, then exhale slowly through your mouth to slow down the heart and stress response.

  3. Practice "Riddikulus: Visualise your fear humorously and say "Ridikulous."

For deeper fears or trauma, more personalised approaches are needed. In my one-to-one sessions, I often explore the clients' specific nervous system type and show them which tools to use to ease their system—namely, the vagus nerve, which fosters resilience and helps release fear and stress safely. Yet, more importantly, we can get to the root of the fear and start to reset it at the clients’ own pace. We don’t want to be like an ice cube and melt too fast into a hot mess.

So, next time you struggle to take a step due to fear, try it: 


  • What is your biggest fear?

  • How will you meet your Boggart?

  • How easy is it for you to find light within?

If you need help here, please reach out for simple tools or a chat, especially if you feel the energies around you are difficult to banish.

(Yes, I am a Harry Potter fan - and it runs deep … maybe I will share that secret soon :)

Monthly Regulars: The Honesty Journal Prompts 

Discover your blind spots and start your journey toward self-discovery, or we can travel there together. If you would like the whole year, see the resources section of the website.

Up Coming Events

I’m excited to be opening the doors to some events in the making and waiting list for a few other gems all designed to open you to your self-mastery and inner wisdom.

Doors Open for: 

Live - Summer Solstice Event

Thursday, June 20th, 7.30 pm—8.30 pm,

Yurt at Haddon Acre, Sires Hill, Near Wallingford, Oxfordshire

Book: Limited Availability

The question isn’t, have you got a genius and brilliance? The question is what in you needs to shift to unlock it.

When we align all the parts of ourselves, it’s easy to open to your flow and creative genius and thrive. This is a journey to live a vibrant, creative life by becoming un-stressable, eliminating bad habits, entraining energy, and developing a new mindset ready to thrive whatever ‘Chaos’ throws at you.

Doors Nearly Open For:

  • Zen Zone With Miracle Vagus Nerve: Stress & Energy Training to be unstressable & foster Resilience (New improved class)

  • Intuitive Flow Awakening Programme: Intuitive Intelligence® Training to unlock your inner wisdom.

Zen Zone With Miracle Vagus Nerve.

Stress & Energy Training to be unstressable & foster Resilience (New improved class): A new date is to be announced for June. - A little feedback from the last event: 

"The breathing exercise was perfectly paced. The "When I am in this state"... part when you went around the questions was spot on - as soon as I'd thought about an answer and committed it to paper, you moved on exactly that moment. I don't know how you did it, but it was synchronised to my pace every single time…"

Intuitive Intelligence® Training to unlock your inner wisdom. Finally, I am opening the door to this amazing training that changed my life. Enrollment opens for the September intake in July, with a special bonus for registering interest now.

This course will powerfully change the way you show up in the world.

  • Opening up to your innate wisdom and intuition, Soul awakening, and self-mastery is just the beginning.

  • Science combined with ancient wisdom holds the keys to a truly turned-on intuition for seekers and leaders who know they have more and are ready to live it.

  • Register your interest now.

I hope you can use these insights when you encounter chaos and, more importantly, create more joy in your life as you fulfil your purpose—we are all here on purpose, for a purpose! I wish you Flow and thrive!

 Reach out if any of this resonates. I love engaging with you all!

With Moonbeams


P.S. I have changed the names to protect their identity.

P.P.S If you are interested in learning more about Flow and why I’m so passionate about it - Read my Blog: What is Flow & Its Benefits

Dobby The Dog

Channelling his inner Luna


The Summer Solstice Tale: Embracing the Ritual For An Abundant Future & Goddess Aine.


What Is Flow & Why We Need It?