The Science Of Gratitude - From Darkness to Light

The science of gratitude helps us turn from darkness (the first step to burnout) to light, but most of us do it wrong. Free practice based on Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman's insights & reflections on Diwali as an internal conflict.


Despite these turbulent times, and in the spirit of the Hindu-Gujarati New Year, which we celebrated on the 14th of November, I extend my heartfelt wishes for a joyous year ahead. I, for one, am ready to start the new year now and to allow the light to enter following Diwali's symbolism of light after darkness. I wanted to share the science of gratitude, which has helped me turn from the darkness to light.

Diwali celebrates the return of Lord Rama and Sita from exile, and they eventually follow the light home after being banished to the wilderness. This tale echoes the experiences of many spiritual figures—Jesus, Moses, Buddha—who spent transformative time in the wilderness. For Rama, it meant rescuing Sita from a Demon, yet the battle for me signifies an inner struggle, facing our demons and allowing us to turn to the light.

This internal conflict, often reflected in the wider world (especially now), is perpetuated by our self-critical and ego-driven thoughts, which seek to undermine us by fostering feelings of heavy energy, such as scarcity, inadequacy or impostor syndrome. The amazing book The Course in Miracles elegantly labels the ego's mission as wanting to defeat us and suffocate our true spirit with fear.

Entering My Mystic's Cave

Over the past month, I, too, ventured into my personal wilderness, seeking solace from the incessant chatter of my critical mind and ego by entering my own mystic cave. In this modern era, my sanctuary became a deliberate disconnect—silencing notifications and phone calls, finding solace beside a serene Thames River, and reflecting on a tumultuous year that tested my service, finances, and family. Amidst the chaos, I sought communion with my quiet but higher voice. A voice often drowned out by reactive actions and stress that I have let crowd my mind and unconscious actions.

 Yet, amidst this introspection, one constant remained: 

 My weekly commitment to Jenny, an 80-year-old lady in the village. She fell in the summer, which left her in pain, making her beloved dog walk excruciatingly. Since September, I've assisted her with stretches, basic exercises, yoga, and a touch of Reiki, putting my old personal trainer skills back into action. I love it.

Witnessing her progress—from struggling to get off the floor to today, almost effortlessly rolling on one side and pushing herself up—my heart beamed, and even her Osteopath attested to her improvement, a testament to our dedicated sessions.

 Jenny's heartfelt gratitude in a text this week and modest payment symbolise an energetic exchange far beyond monetary value. It reaffirmed the essence of service. For her, it meant she valued the service and was ready to invest in herself. For me, the monetary exchange provides little relief amidst mounting bills, but that was not the point. Gratitude lifted my heart and kept me from the darkness that my ego had wanted to unleash if left unchecked.

 The Power of Gratitude: The right way to do it.

 There is power in gratitude, which has scientific backing and force proven to uplift and alter energy. Furthermore, from there, we can foster new possibilities, which, for me, became tangible through the exchange of service with Jenny. Gratitude is an exchange, and there is also a right way to do it. 

 Doing something is better than nothing, but if all you are doing is writing down what you are grateful for or saying the words minus feeling, you're doing it wrong. 

Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman's wonderful podcast offers insights into what makes a gratitude practice impactful to alter your state.

He adds, infusing heightened emotions, storytelling, and heartfelt reception to other's gratitude for you. Watch his full podcast, but four things stood out for me:

Let your gratitude come from the heart and move their heart. A present that is not perceived as heartfelt or feels like a token of real warmth will just leave the other half grateful.

As a token of my gratitude to you all for receiving my musings, I have recorded a small story and practice to help you experience what this may feel like. This is also based on a micro-method at the Institute of Intuitive Intelligence, for whom I am grateful, but I have added some extra sparkle based on these scientific findings. 

 Try it out, but be your own experiment; try different methods and add music, listen to other people's stories, and let them fill you with gratitude, especially if you are under stress, fear, or burnout because we cannot solve anything from a place of heaviness or fear.

By the way, the results of my mystics cave contemplation:

In the depths of my contemplation emerged a co-creation—a new website, a new proposition, a fresh start. Check it out!

I don't remember writing it. I flowed and co-created with what felt like the energy of my business (I write about it a little in the blog, 7 steps to shorten the path to success). Explore the website, the workshops, free resources and especially the new offering - my flagship course:

The Flow Ingenious course is a self-mastery journey unlocking genius circuits and navigating your neuro-physiology for breakthroughs without burnout, for joy, work, life and legacy.

For Visionaries and Innovators

Unlocking the Secret of Genius one-percenters

Take a sneak peek!


As to my next steps:

My commitment transcends immediate gains; it's a dedication to long-term service. Even if, in the short term, I take on contracts to support my family, my heart and gratitude will shape my every endeavour to be of service to this business and you. 

 Thus, I have an online Merry Mindful Meditation event on Wednesday, 6th of December, 2023, at 8- 8.45 pm (UK)/ 4- 4.45 pm (ET) to reset and reclaim our power and energy before Christmas Crazy starts! I'd love to see you there.


Merry Mindful Meditation

When: Wednesday, 6th of December, 2023,

Time: 8- 8.45 pm (UK)/ 4- 4.45 pm (ET).


Reserve a space

So, here's to a new year filled with gratitude, blessings, and a heartfelt Thanksgiving! Your energy and presence hold profound significance, often overlooked amidst the daily whirlwind. Remember, in our darkest moments, we are miracles; we simply forget. Cherish your miracles and radiate gratitude as an energy. The miracle of our energy is that it is felt and heard without words. Spread the magic! 

Your presence and energy make a difference—never forget you are a miracle.

With Moonbeams



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