Eight Secrets To Create A  Vibrant-Creative Life

Unlocking the Path to a Vibrant, Creative Life: Insights & Research from a Timeless Journey.

May the 4th have passed, but can I say, “May the force be with you.” We all have it: vibrant energy. We just need to learn how to unlock it and wield it—staying on the Star Wars theme. I laughed out loud this month when someone said, “The force is strong with you,” as they fell off their chair in surprise! 

This has happened a lot these past three weeks; people being surprised. Why? Because I told them my age. I am now 50 years old, and yes, I am blessed that I still get asked for my ID. But there is another part to this story that I want to share, as I didn't always feel so vibrant; in fact, it was quite the opposite. At 35, I felt 50. Behind this enigma lies a wealth of wisdom, research and trial and error that have propelled me from a downward spiral to an unstoppable flow of energy and creativity. It's time to share these treasures with you as my heart breaks when I see others on the burnout path I was on.

What is your secret?

The next question people asked was, what is your secret? Someone actually said:

“Did you steal that youth, playfulness and creativity from all the kids?”

Again, I chuckled and blushed, but I had to pause for reflection. The truth is I do have secrets. My friend, colleague, consciousness guide and author Krista used these words as she guided me in a session: you seem to lead a 'vibrant-creative life.' - you need to share from there.

Nila at Warner Bros Studio, The Making of Harry Potter, where I also PT interact as a HP Geek (Do what make’s your heart light :)

The Truth

The truth is, I haven't always shared my secrets, and it's not just good genes or good luck; it's a culmination of lessons learned, unlearning, studies, training, practices embraced, and a commitment to self-empowerment, unlocking my intuitive genius and well-being and not wanting to look/act like my aunties who looked old even when they were young (even though I love them).

I've distilled these insights into eight transformative principles and protocols, drawing from research, training, and personal experience. These principles align closely with the keys to thriving identified by research on centenarians (people who thrive over the age of 100) and neuroscientist Andrew Huberman's six science-based approaches to optimal living. Still, for me, and I know others, it goes beyond the level of the mind alone; I learnt that while doing brain-scanning studies and a psychology master’s degree in 2017-19.

Over the next weeks and months, I will break these down as they are not as obvious as they look and are often unique to the individual, age, and context. And they are not hacks, either.

I heard neuroscientist Andrew Huberman say he despises the word “Hack”:

We can't hack our way to mastery or flow.

Instead, we need to optimise how we work individually, including our neuro-physiology, and that is what my insights offer. They are also not superficial lists created by Chat GPT.

 Here is a sneak preview of the themes:

Nila’a 8 steps to thrive and live a Vibrant, Creative Life & invites abundance in all things (except your waistline).

These protocols are beyond mere survival, despite me starting from that point. I've learned the importance of thriving in chaos, mastering our responses to stress, and cultivating creativity and resilience.

On Reflection

As I reflect and watch my young colleagues react in disbelief to my age, I see echoes of my own past in their habits and responses. Like I was in my 20s and 30s, they, too, struggle with unhealthy sleeping, eating and drinking habits, easily succumb to anxiety and stress, and allow others to drain their energy. This manifests in various ways, from fight–or–flight responses to people-pleasing tendencies, pinging-ponging from combat to collapse. Despite their potential brilliance, their self-esteem (for many) remains locked away. They are not optimising ways to unlock their potential creativity or genius, but why would they? This is not mainstream science; I am still finishing my research and book.

My journey from corporate burnout to vibrant living has been self-discovery, mastery, empowerment, and trial and error, but I know nothing changes unless we commit to look within and do the work; again, let me say, there are no hacks, and it goes beyond the mind alone to the self-regulation first.

My journey began in my late 20s as an evening exercise instructor, aiming to manage weight and stress and prevent injuries. By my mid-30s, despite rigorous exercise routines and professional success, I faced alopecia, uncontrolled IBS, and felt much older than my years. Despite achievements in the corporate world and completing a marathon in under four hours, I struggled with cycles of burnout and withdrawal, relying on temporary fixes of endorphins from exercising to numbing with binge-watching TV or drinking. 

Insomnia plagued me, impacting my mental health and cognitive function as research proves it enhances the chances of dementia and depression. Recognising the link between my habits, my performance innovation and my well-being, I confronted unresolved trauma, eventually after needing six major operations, which were compounded due to my lack of leaning into my unconscious issues and stress, leaving internal scars on me. I have written that creativity saved me in the past, but I'll leave that story there for now.

But the truth is—I don't just see my young colleagues adding friction rather than fuel to their unlock their potential; it breaks my heart when I see others suffer with a lack of proper support to thrive and not resetting the issues at the deepest parts of us: In our subconscious that runs how we feel, work and show up in life and then the body reflects just this, with pain -

"As within, so without." So they repeat the same issues and don't shine their light, or worse, they don't think they have permission to.

In truth, that is why I didn't share my secrets, too. I didn't think I was allowed. So, I now add the word self-empowered and ask you to reflect on it, too.

Time For Self-Reflection:

  • Do you permit yourself to shine? Do you need permission > Why?

  • Do you have ill health, dull skin, or pains, and do they worsen with stress?

  • Are you impacted negatively by other’s comments/feedback or heavy energy?

  • Does your body talk to you? Are you listening or know how?

  • Do you get ill on holiday and find it hard to let go of a situation or conversation, Like a backpack you're carrying? - Can you put it and the energy down?

  • Are you living your most vibrant-creative life?

Why do I keep talking about creativity?

Creativity is paramount to me because life is a creation. It is the key to innovation, problem-solving, thriving, and even surviving chaos and stress without becoming overwhelmed. But did you know that people in trauma cannot get creative? However, somatic tools (which talk to the nervous system) can help people open this circuit back up as they start to feel it in their bodies and then unleash their most amazing skills.

Once we learn how to turn on our most amazing gift, our creative mindset, it opens us up to much more.

A Creative Mindset, for me, is more than a growth mindset; it is a way of seeing and engaging with the world. It means we don't compare ourselves negatively with others, leading to scarcity thinking. Instead, it lets us get curious and ask, 'What if?' allowing our energy to stay vibrant and upbeat, not heavy and defeated, to solve the problem or issue. When trained, we can navigate to our most optimal brainwave states to break through and not burn out. This means we must learn to be conscious of our mind, body, energy and soul and wield that to our conscious will. This is called Conscious Embodiment, and I believe Flow is the means and the way to do it. This is what I have been researching and writing about Creative flow to breakthrough, not burnout as a way of being.

Given all I have learned from academics, specialists, spiritual teachers, and formal somatic training, it's time to share this wisdom. So, I invite you to join me on a six-part 121 mentoring journey tailored to your unique path.

Here's a sneak Peak:

An overview of creating your most vibrant creative life by awakening flow and learning the protocols.

This one-to-one mentoring is structured into themes, but the journey is yours as I meet you where you are. Your needs, our alchemy, and my intuition will guide the way.

If you're ready to step into your power, embrace your flow, and live your most vibrant-creative life, I invite you to join me on this journey of self-empowerment and discovery.

Please note: Limited Availability. 

To ensure I can offer my best service and energy, I am limiting these unique mentoring packages to 3 people per month. So please reach out if you want to make a radical and total life change. The sessions can span up to 6/8 months or be completed in 8 weeks, but integration practices, video resources, and offline support will also be provided. If you’re ready for a change now or soon, book a discovery chat to lodge your interest. You can always join the waiting list.

For now - do what enlightened souls and geniuses always do: Self-Reflection. So:

Here are this month’s self-reflection prompts to keep you aligned on your journey to your goal or purpose:

From the 2024 Honesty Journal_ Nila Matthews

Reach out if your curious or would like to go deeper into any of the themes. I'm rooting for you!

With moonbeams




What Is Flow & Why We Need It?


How to “Win without winning” - A profound chat with Sir David Brailsford.