How Do You Approach & Deal With Life Transitions?

Whether you're moving towards your purpose, growth, or life has just forced a transition - we need a safe way to do this so we don’t give up on ourselves and burnout. From feeling 'done' and burnt out in 2015 to travelling to Costa Rico to learn the course that changed my life in 2020! There is a safe way to transition & take control of your life.

I help people at their crossroads find ease in their bodies and find purpose and joy to have the confidence to transition to create the life they dream of and find more… Start with an intentional plan and feel the energy you want to live in.

From feeling 'done' in 2015 to Costa Rico to learn the course that changed my life in 2020!

But that's not the whole truth - that's skipping to the 10th course where I found tools, connection and meaning that changed my philosophy and outlook on life - but that 8-week course was just the beginning of a journey with the Institute of Intuitive Intelligence. More importantly, it opened me to the power I had all along - my intuitive flow, inner knowing and love for myself. And guess what? We all have it.  

 So where did it begin? (see above)

 On the back of a picture of my daughter, I attached a post-it note written in 2015, which still sits next to my bed - this was when I decided, “I was sick and tired of being sick and tired" (Fannie Lou Hamer, 1964) and not in control of my life, decisions or emotions - constantly letting it be hijacked! Enough!

 In 2015, I was at my lowest.

In polite conversation, I used words like, “I was done.” But that has layers, and after two significant losses, six major operations and playing small at work due to my illnesses, I now recognise I had unconscious trauma and upper limits to my success - But at that moment, I decided to change. 

 How often do women play small? Well enough, I thought, for me and my daughter! Break the circuit!

 In psychology, this is called an intention implementation plan. 

The name doesn't matter. So what does?

The Energy &  intention of the note: The energy behind this act has rippled through me and my life. To leave Sky, to do a master's in psychology, to listen to my inner nudges and shoves, to follow my purpose and do this work as it unravels before me.

The Vulnerable Truth

As I start off, I may not be earning as much money or experiencing the glamour of Sky (which I still miss), but my soul knows I am heading in the right direction - we are, as they say, a movie in motion. And whether I continue to do both: run Awakening Flow and contract/work, that's fine - but I will continue to master myself and be of service in flow and meaning.

Where are you in flow, and what gives you meaning and purpose?

 My purpose and growth continue.

On Friday the 5th - 16th of May, after doing an 18th month’s Business & Spiritual Directorship Course - I get to see seven amazing souls and international women who I have trained with and who have witnessed me cry, let go, scream, release, laugh a lot and grow - basically as creation does: die to make space for the new…

 This teacher training will close a loop, and I keep telling people, 'Wait until I teach this'. It's the foundation for everything and has tools to ease our nervous system because we cannot access our intuitive flow without it! 

Transition Time - What's your transition?

 And for that - I will sleep on a hard airport bench for 10 hours in Newark Airport, New York, due to my layover and 24-hour transition to Costa Rico… I get it, no sympathy (lol) - I'm going to Costa Rico, and I am also grateful as I got a scholarship to be there! Something I will also ensure I do when I do my courses!

How good are you with transitions?

Sometimes it's about being still and internally changing, and other times, movement, but all transitions are scary but essential to our growth.

Why is it hard? The internal critic awakens.

We feel joy & growth, but then the protective 9:1 negativity brain bias kicks in. Out spills leftover guilt, uncertainty (because life is uncertain) and shame based on past conditions. We're left half in and half out - like me at Newark airport for 10 hours. And that's ok for a while.

 These pause moments are a time to catch up with ourselves with compassion and non-judgmental reflection. To witness the inner dialogue and know you are not the voices in your head, but you can release them. That's where nervous system tools help you find ease in the transition.

Creating a new dynamic

Ultimately, it's all about creating a new dynamic, energy and narrative for yourself, even if everything stays the same externally as the Zen prophet said: "Chop wood, carry water".

When we do the inner work and continue to 'chop wood and carry water', everything is different, even if the outside world sees no apparent difference. 

The difference is your dynamic and energy in how you treat and perceive yourself and how you allow others to treat you. Of course, externally, you may choose to change that too - because, sometimes (like me), the universe keeps nudging you, and my resistance leads to more of the same old story and emotions I was leaving behind.

 But for now - I say Farewell, as these retreats and training sessions seem to change me to my core - so happy transition to you all - whatever the journey is for you! 

Dare to live & have the courage to transition to a better, authentic you! How do you know if you're ready?

"Listen to your heart. It knows the way" (Rumi), don't wait until you're done like me!

 Go Flow 

With Moonbeams


Time doesn’t stop & neither do we:

From the 8 year to teen!

Free event: Magnetising Your Energy & Chakras: Embodied Practice

A subconscious journey, practice and tools to ignite and master your energetic field for wellness, inner power and abundance. (Free online) - Thursday 25th May 7.30 pm - 8.30 pm. Reserve your space here

Kind Words

I followed Nila on Social Media for a few months and browsed the Awakening Flow webpage and became curious as to what “flow” and “intuitive living” could do for me personally.

Signing up for four sessions, I thought I could at least sit down, relax for a few hours, and listen to what the hokus pokus was all about!

When I was ready, Nila guided me to the root cause of my sufferings and gave me the strength to break the connections and change the narrative. 

  • We meditated, we talked and we shared,  but first of all we connected.

  • Now that I have changed my narrative, I understand what intuitive living is for me.

  • I am not a new version of me, but I have discovered I can be who I want to be and it is ok to change.

 A good teacher can teach us how to live intuitively.  But a great teacher can give us the tools and guidance to find our own flow, connect our mind and body, and to create our own path to intuitive living.

 Thank you, Nila.  You are a great teacher.

- By Elaine Corciulo.  Personal Trainer, Wife and Mother … and the best version of me.


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