Setting A New Intention


I’m not the kind of person that follows astrology that you find in a newspaper - which talks to the, e.g. Aries and means I rush in where angels wouldn’t dare (although I do often), but I do pay a little more interest in my natal birth chart i.e. the sun, moon and ascending sign that I was born under. However, after noticing patterns in my life that energised me, when to flow, or to accept that the flow has slowed down, usually for my own good, I have learnt to follow the lunar cycle and what it means for me and the greater collective.

Today is a New Moon in Virgo - 6th September 2021, a beautiful time to connect to your body and breath as an embodiment tool to connect to the Now and control your mind and what you are thinking.

The Now is the one place - the ever-present now, which free’s us from the grip of the what if’s and depression of the past and the angst for the future. Living in either place is like a ghost town - it will scare the bee-jess out of you and that’s it! The past may have a lesson or two to learn, which can help you evolve, but any new moon has the invitation to help you release what is not working for you and bring in a new Intention. Today’s new moon is in the Virgo Mansion, invites you to use your body and breath to pull away from the power from the mind.

The Mind is the software of your head that works on the past. The first to react is the lowest stem of your Mind - the protective mind - asks: “Is it safe?” “Did it work?” “Will I look silly?” “Can I?” “I’m not enough” - basically the safety mechanism that keeps you feeling small, stuck and sabotaged. But this part of your brain is ‘software’ - it can be reset, reprogrammed, retrained!

The first step to that is setting a new Intention, to let the mind know you are ready to transform.

The path to any real self-transformation is to go within, to your real & higher self, in the now. Using the breath and body as an anchor is the first step to that and away from the unconscious and protective mind. I will offer more tools to help anchor into the now, but for now, try the Heart Congruence video Meditation on the resources section.

Before setting an intention, you must first release and make space. Ask yourself:

  • What no longer serves me?

  • What emotionally has triggered me - so taken my power away?

  • Who or what has generated resentment and bitterness in me and has taken up my energy?

Journal or ask, what has led you to feel or become this, and then both honour and forgive yourself and others, otherwise they will continue to pull you back into the ghost lands of the past and drain your power for the future. My go-to prayer is the Hawaiian Prayer of forgiveness - the Hoponopono: Visualising the thing or person and with deep heartfelt meaning say: “I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you, I love you”. This is the biggest release and present you can give yourself for freedom. Imagine them saying it to you and the other way round! Go on be free!

Then you are free to set an intention: Use the present tense - imagine how you will feel. Dr. Michael Lennox, an Intuitive astrologer, perfectly says - your feelings are the fertiliser of your manifestations and intentions. So feel it as if your intention is already here! How to set Intention and manifestations are a short course so more of that later.

Remember that with any dark moon, the days preceding the new moon may be draining - so take care, nurture and remember, we need to release and let things die, slip away for the new to begin - but as the Course in Miracles says and all ancient wisdom knows, that only in the Now can you hear your soul’s voice and be free of suffering and notice synchronicities offered by miracles.

Anchor to souls voice

With Moonbeams



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