Brain Vs Heart: Who should win for your evolution?

Brain vs Heart

As a brain geek in the 2000's, I was so excited when I first heard the term neuroplasticity or, as Neuroscientist Dr David Eagleman now refers to it, your brain is "Livewired". Why?

It broke the myth that your brain can't develop once you get a bit older, so just give it up. I watched my senior family members get to 40+ and think, well, that it's then: exercise went, the TV, their friend and gossip became the main activity.  Structurally, there is a bit of truth in the brain dying away, but, overall, your brain is more like nature here or a tree. Given the chance and the right conditions, it will look for ways to make connections and grow.

So, what are the right conditions?

I could write an essay on this (and this piece is long enough), but basically, it is just your impetus to be better, develop and learn.  There is a responsibility here - if you make an effort to learn, to do things differently – your brains software would come online and help you develop new skills, keep your memories more robust. Even more exciting, if done correctly, you could engineer your "Aha" moments.  That is when I first found my passion and purpose!

Ironically as I have got to know the brain more, that's when I stopped listening to it!

It's your friend until it isn't: Have you got a chattering, critical, ‘your not-good-enough’ voice, then it's not your friend. Unless you’re Master of It, be cautious. It's not its fault; it is the brain programming – The brain works on patterns and the past. Often unlearning (the conscious and unconscious) is the only way to move forward. 

Don't get me wrong, the brain is fantastic, and please mentally hug it (its biggest job is stopping you from thinking about automatically doing the basics like breathing or standing). Still, if you’re feeling stuck, small and sabotaged – you may need to give it some serious attention, talking to and reprogramming. That's where I can help [Contact me ]. To understand and break the past conditions – reset the mindset, nervous system and energy program.

 What I've learnt for my evolution is what Rumi, the remarkable 13th-century Sufi mystic, and poet knew. Your friend and real source to your authentic self starts from your heart, not the mind. It’s the gateway to your intuition (more of that another day). But for now, start here.  Grab a pen and paper and get comfortable, where you won’t be disturbed: 

– Get Still –


  • Breath in for four and out for six (x 6) - breath as if your breathing from the heart –

  • Image a balloon being blown up in your heart which starts a spark of light circulating around your body

  • and then listen to your heart and…

  • take a big breath-hold – hold - then sigh out with an audible sigh and take the pen and paper and write … just see what pours out, and ….


"Follow your heart it knows the way" (Rumi)


With Moonbeams


PS. Practice does make perfect, and neurons that fire together wire together. This works for both your mind and heart as there wired together!


With 8 years as a Squarespace Circle Member, website designer and content creator, Rosanna shares tips and resources about design, content marketing and running a website design business on her blog. She’s also a Flodesk University Instructor (with 8+ years expertise in email marketing), and runs Cornwall’s most popular travel & lifestyle blog too.

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