What does “I open at the close” mean to you?

If you read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, you may have heard this quote, but did you understand what it meant straight away?

And what does it mean for you now?

A reflection on our evolution?

The message left on the snitch for Harry in Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows, JK Rowling

I ask because, this year, I’ve come to believe that life and our evolution reflect just this: You open at the close of ..

This last month, I felt like I embodied the meaning, and it has happened twice this year (and at the close of this blog, there is an opening to gift for you).

Firstly, this year saw me, the recovering corporate innovator and leader, return to Sky for an amazing stint. I loved it, the peeps, and using my behavioural insights to build new innovative technology.. but boy, what a comfort zone.

Don’t get me wrong. I needed stability after years of expensive courses and investment in myself (because I am worth it, and the people I serve deserve it)… By the end, I was ready to stay. And yes, my husband would have liked me to stay for financial reasons (obviously). My daughter wanted me to stay for the free Sky Glass TV.

But then …

I heard the familiar voice of Chaos saying:

  • Are you avoiding your evolution? 

  • Why are you resisting it? 

  • Where you put your attention is where your energy flows.


Actually, to be fair, I did ask around for other interesting jobs as that contract came to a close, but nothing sounded exciting, and my heart was saying … listen to Chaos.

The last three years have taught me three things.

  1. There is no certainty in life.

  2. Laughter and connection will get you through and help you find an opening. This is also a secret to creativity (more about that another time) 

  3. I can’t sit in my comfort without regretting not trying… (biggest price to pay is the price of regret)

The other noticing since 2016: Chaos & Your Evolution will find you.

Chaos and evolution will find a way to ensure I (and you) step up, by choice or by shoving you hard into mad chaos. In my contribution to the book Conscious Revolution, I write about Conscious creativity and Flow, where I talk about befriending chaos and avoiding burnout. Avoiding burnout and fear by using my tool bag of energy, soul and psychology tools. Honestly, they have kept me anchored as I have decided not to resist my evolution. 

In my last blog after my retreat to Bali, I explained my discomfort. It was two or three weeks of total chaos and discomfort. This was me cracking open to a new opening and lessons. I needed to uplevel my feelings of worth.

What I did do?:

I choose to surrender and sit in the discomfort, my tools as my anchor. In the book, Harry calmly walks into the woods to die and surrenders. This allows the scared protective part of you to close or die/transmute (sounds dramatic, but I felt a visceral pain in my body during this) and an opening to occur.

I was lucky I was held by a few dear ones that I have trained with on my 18-month Spiritual Directorship Course,  and I found an opening and lightness to open at the close of that wave of understanding. I shifted. 

Here’s what I found at the close. My soul mission and real conviction and inner worth: 

To help visionaries at critical moments not give up on their mission and themselves (like I nearly did).

So thank you all, as you have all helped my evolution, every client that I have served and everyone I am destined to serve.

And so, as I open at the close of 2023, I offer you something to think about.

Three Prompts for 2023

As we close the year, I would like to share three prompts that have helped me open up to myself and situations this year with compassionate curiosity and away from fear and suffering. I thank my sister on the Spiritual Directorship & Business Mentoring course, as they have asked me this often to have helped me evolve.  I offer them to you because if I don’t share what I learn, I’m breaking the law of giving and receiving.

But please take what resonates and leave the rest:

  1. For Joy: Are you living your pleasure every day? (Krista: Inst: @theblissmystic)

  2. For Health: How are you attending to yourself? Is this as rich as you do for others (Sonja Harvey. Insta: @theexpansionpractice)

  3. For Compassion & Creativity: That’s curious, [then breathe] let me see this differently (me, Insta: nila_awakeningflow)

My Gift to you:

Compass Guidance Praxis: Review & Reset for 2023 - Free gift to start the year

This praxis-based session will be for a small intimate group wanting to review and reset energetically and behaviourally. This will be done by meeting our archetypal energies using the sacred 13 archetypes. They will illuminate where you have been playing small or in your shadow. This will help you release old energies and form new patterns to help you step into 2023 aligned and empowered to attract what you desire and need. We will end with my identifying which archetypal energy wants to guide you into 2023 for your highest good.

This is at energy and soul level practice, but given my behavioural background, I will share practical habit-changing tactics to support your year. : 

If it resonates, please reserve your space here:

 As an additional bonus, all participants get the chance to win one free intuitive session to be led and personalise your guidance (one session worth £154 for 90 mins)

Other Exciting news:

The book train is full steam ahead.  My heart is full for those who have pre-orders.

For other destinations, please email me on info@awakeningflow.com & I can source them for you

Bonus materials are in creation; don‘t forget 20% off an intuitive session. 

Finally, Exciting News: From Knowledge to Integrated Wisdom 

What kind of learner are you? How do you best embody knowledge?

Have you noticed that when you read something, you forget easily, not really changing or shifting for your transformation?

For embodied integration to happen, we need to be involved, practice and be in the being as we learn and integrate. So I’m excited to say I’m creating a course based on my (ongoing) book research for April 2023. How To Create & Embody Your Magical Genius.

The premise of the book & course is your relationship with creativity reflects your relationship with your life, energy and relationships. Neuroscience now proves ancient wisdom was right. Creatives are special, the one percenters, when in flow. This a journey to the deep end of the creativity pool, mastering you and opening to your intuitive flow.

Curious? I’ll let you know more about the course and the bonuses surrounding it:

So, as you open at the close of 2022 and into 2023, I know it will be amazing: Just feel and step into all you want to create.

Go Flow. With Moonbeams



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