Can a 24 Hour Heal-A-Thon really make a difference to the world?

When the world contracts - We expand!

We all know that there has been a lot of heavy energy recently. I’m sure like me there has been a lot going on at the local level, but masses going on at the macro level. As a neuro and behavioural expert, I know that your nervous systems and the unconscious brain register’s all these signals and if left unchecked, will play out for you as mental angst, stress, fear and ultimately if not met, these unconscious shadows and fears will go from emotions (energy) to physical illness.

Do we need to take what’s going on lying down when it’s out of our control?


At a personal level - Science proves that meditation and embodiment practices can have a real impact on your well being and neuro pathways, to not just change your mindset, but structurally change your brainwaves so you are more resilient, happier, in flow (flow, is a state where you are your most optimal). Authors like Dawson Church (Bliss brain), my own brain scanning studies and a plethora of robust research show the impact to your structural brain, your ability to be creative, problem solve and mental health, wellbeing and your physical health. But how does that help the world, I hear you say?

Project Coherence: The power of groups to raise peace & compassion

There are more than 50 demonstration projects and 23 peer-reviewed journals* that show that where a group of people come together with one intention: to raise their vibration to love, peace, healing and compassion - they can increase peace by 70%.

Dr Joe Dispenza’s work went further. For those who don’t know Dr Joe, he is a rockstar of the science and spirituality world (as is Dawson Chuch as they often work together). They have been measuring and gathering scientific proof to show the benefits of meditation and its radical changes to physical healing and emotions. He has shown time and time again the measurable effect of changing your brain waves to not only heal but manifest a better life for yourself (more about brainwave changes in another blog, especially the alpha-bridge). I love his work and incorporate all these into my toolsets. The key point is, his work proves that people do not need to be together to have this same effect - we can all be across the globe, non-locally.

Anyone that studies energy healing, follows quantum physics or modern-day spirituality knows about the quantum field or the unified field, the ether. Think of it like a unified web that connects us all (like the worldwide web, but for our energy). I believe, as suggested by quantum physics and ancient wisdom, that we are energy. Matter (our bodies), is just heavy energy particles. The aim of embodiment and meditation is to raise our energy, our vibrations to turn heavy energy like fear, doubt, anger and resentment, into compassion, love, reverence and cause a ripple effect outwards, like a stone, into the ocean. The more work you do on your vibrations, the greater the ripple and bigger the impact.

Just imagine, if we were all throwing pebbles - some little, some the size of a boulder into the ocean at the same time - in the same direction. Would it impact the fear wave coming towards us? Yes, it would!!

The 24-hour Heal-a-thon by the Priestesses with the Institute for Intuitive Intelligence, are coming together to provide space and a container for us to jointly create a ripple - a healing movement, to affect your local energy and secondly to impact the worlds!

Who is the Institute for Intuitive Intelligence?

The Institue exists to disrupt the education of intuition, by qualifying spiritually fierce women globally as Intuitive Intelligence ® Trainers, into socially conscious Leaders, with a new paradigm of Priestesses & contemporary Mystics.

Trainers guide clients to release subconscious fear to truly heal and become the most intuitively intelligent person possible, as we all have the ability to open to our intuition. The Priestesses have organised this in less than a week - an amazing effort as it is a global group and movement. I am honoured to be part of this initiative and the institute.

What can you expect?

We are bringing all of our brilliance to offer you-

  • Live Channeling's

  • Energy Evaluations

  • Meditations

  • Intuitive Tapping (like acupuncture you perform yourself. #EFT (a version of emotional freedom technique)

  • Forgiveness (your route to real liberation and freedom)

  • Heart Congruence

... and so much more!

The 24-hour love bomb- has occurred but catch all the sessions on

  • it’s all free to watch and a lot of these amazing women are sought after and quite expensive, so check it out!!

I am on part 3 at the end. I offer a bit of neuroscience — I chase, befriend and release your fear in this upbeat session. Why ?— it's your only route to freedom from its shackles. I use embodiment techniques (incorporate, breath, movement and tapping), guided visualisation and before tech cuts me out — some liberated dance to raise your energy (don’t laugh, dancing is great for your creativity). I do also explain why energy is so important. In summary — we are energy first (as confirmed by Quantum Physics, but again — more of that in another piece)

“Remember you are not a drop in the ocean. You are an entire ocean in one drop” (Rumi)

Your Energy Matters!

With moonbeams and healing


Nila healathon.png


Dr Joe Dispenza. Becoming Supernatural, how common people are doing the uncommon. Hay House UK, 2017

D.W Orme-Johnson, C.N Alexander, J.LDavies, et al., “International peace project in the Middle Eat: The effects of the Maharishi Technology of the Unfied Field,” Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 32, no 4 (December 4, 1988)


Mind Matters: Dodging or extracting the Belief Bullet for your success and evolution.


Brain Vs Heart: Who should win for your evolution?