Mind Matters: Brainwave States That Lead To Success

Can navigating to the right brainwave state lead to success? Yes!

Brainwave states are just different or altered states of consciousness. We do this every day, as we sleep, concentrate, perform, create, have Aha-moments and gain one-ness and enlightenment. Those who know how to do this intentional and purposefully increase their chances of success and flow exponentially.

This short video explains what I mean by altered states of consciousness and the free download is a 5-point checklist to see how you are blocking your ability to get your brain (and therefore whole nervous system) into the right gear to perform.

Overview of why we need to navigate different brainwave states

Learning to purposefully switch through the gears of your mind to function at an optimate state is a skill that has changed many lives including my own. This is critical to high performance, creativity, deep one-ness, and accessing your intuition is the ability to be in a heart coherent flow state which allows you to more easily, access the alpha bridge. Think of this as your gateway to flow (see the image below). Personally, I went from trauma and stress, hit and miss performance/creativity and sometimes knowing to self-doubt and separation to one of flow - joy and (mostly) wholeness.

Flow is an optimal state of consciousness and being (Mihaly Czikszentmihaly, psychologist who coined the term for the western world in the 1970s). However, ancient wisdom from Buddish, Taoism to ancient Hermetic scriptures have demonstrated and spoken of flow for centuries and now brain scanning studies are revealing exactly what brainwaves states are needed for different tasks.

Navigating the brain is obviously easier said than done, it takes training and accessing this state can often be hampered by our own past, mindset and nervous system and the energy of people around you. The free download explains what blocks our ability to navigate our brain, our inherent flow and thus function at an optimal unlimited level. The top 3 are:

  1. Being stuck in High Beta — Stressful thinking, self-doubt or becoming numb. Numbing due to external means (food, drink, people) or your internal nervous system freezes, i.e. you flight, flight or freeze quickly & find it hard to get out of this state. This actually adds to small ‘t’ trauma which your body registers when you release cortisol and you can’t regulate it fast enough to remove it.

  2. Goldilocks: Are you too soft or too hot? Softness or collapse; strength or combative? Self-Mastery is essential but this requires self-inventory and self-responsibility.

  3. Your nervous system is activated without you even knowing.

    Worse still, you don't need to have consciously seen it (as I found in my brain-scanning studies). They are called invisible primes and at a crude level, magicians or neuro-marketers use them all the time to get your attention or misdirect you.Please reach out if you would like to discuss this further, get trained for yourselves as part of your personal transformation journey, or supercharge your staff for optimal performance and creative states. As we start this journey, get ready to turn your stuckness and shadows into messages and clues that can help you stand in your power, flow and unlimited intuition.

Everything from music, smell or images is talking & stored in your unconscious brain and nervous system (it's the hardware and software to you).

My work as an intuitive behavioural trainer and mentor (and approximately 18 years as a digital product expert), all focus on helping people to get to their optimal selves or create products that talk (ethically) to their minds first, but mostly their hearts. I have learnt not only the theory but applied this (because we don’t live in theory -we need to experience it) and learnt to do this for myself.

All last year (2021) I was training with the Institute of Intuitive Intelligence who not only looks at the science of intuition, somatics and neuroscience, we mostly learn to tap into our non-local intuition, i.e. our higher intuitive selves… this is not a special gift for a few, but something you have to want to train. As my teacher Ricci-Jane Adams the founder of the institute says, we can all learn french, but do we take the time too! I have always felt the intuitive nudge but now I can let it flow when I want, but more about non-local intuition later…but there is a non-negotiable secret sauce

You have to meet and release all your fears sat in the subconscious of your mind, nervous system. You’ll see how that has affected your energy and the world and people around you and once you understand this and the Egyptian hermetic laws, you will see how you can change them for the better. This means self-responsibility, self-mastery and some major truth and trust in yourself and learning the Universal laws based on the Egyptian Hermetic laws.

If creativity and performance are all you are after, you can stop there and not dive into the depth of the laws, but they do help. But if you're ready to tap into your whole unlimitedness and intuition — you may want to be open and curious (i.e. openness to experience —the only trait needed for creativity according to all major psychologists). If you want to learn more or be Intuitively guided by me, together we can guide your consciousness and open you up to your subconscious blocks to help flow! That’s the invitation!

Whatever path you choose, it's the one you need right now, just let that flow around your subconscious, but if you feel an unconscious block or itch — call me!

Wishing you flow!



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