Mind Matters: Dodging or extracting the Belief Bullet for your success and evolution.

This piece examines our Belief Bullets, the mind, and the power of the heart to overcome that belief. The belief bullets can shoot you down, fuel your action/healing, or you dodge entirely, as you don't even know a thing is hard and the power of the heart to overcome the mind.

Watch the video here: You’ll laugh when you hear my ‘so-called hole in the heart’ story! Forgive me, I was young!

#energy #beliefs #lawsofattraction #asabovesobelow

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The Belief Bullet

The unconscious or conscious belief that holds you, prisoner, to a (faulty) idea, thought, or story, i.e. a core belief that can keep you feeling small, stuck, or sabotaged.

Belief Bullets are usually formed as a child or after a small t, Big T trauma. As a behavioural expert, I know that these are the things that keep you from fully succeeding, healing or stoping you even trying - this is the shadow that holds you back. #MindtheGap - the gap of suffering.

Dodging the bullet means you innocently didn't even know you couldn't do something, so you do it; you didn't think it was hard - so just got on with it, sometimes succeeded where others dared even to tread, but at least you tried! In his book, Mind to Matter, Dawson Church writes about how he suffers from the bullet (the shadow) and the light (the dodge). Dawson Church is an award-winning author on matters of the mind, genes, health, and healing and performance linked to EFT (emotional freedom techniques, or tapping).

Like most people, he wrote that his (false) belief was that he was no good at art. This belief began as a child due to his mother's unkind jibes at his cowboy picture, so he didn't pick up a brush again until he went to an adult art class in his 40's. At that point, the brush just came alive in his hand - Yeah, he pushed out his belief bullet!

Dodging the bullet:

He then approached a cafe and a local gallery to showcase and sell his art. Amazingly he landed solo shows, much to the amazement of his artist friend, who said that landing a solo show was 'so amazingly difficult! Dawson had no idea - so he just asked! He dodged the bullet.

The now billionaire Sara Blakely, founder of Spanx, follows a similar theme.

Sara didn't know she wasn't supposed to call and arrange a meeting with a fashion buyer at a department stall. Instead, the official route was to go to an event and showcase your wares. In her naivety and tenacity, she called the buyer time and time again, not leaving a message but until she picked up the phone and insisted on a meeting. When she met the lady buyer, she went into the ladies and showed off the undergarments- that is how she got her foot into the door and road to a multi-billion-dollar company.

"Sometimes it better that you don't know"

That saying is very apt here. However, once you've said it, once you know, it's too late. Our survival brain kicks into play.

Our brain works in this order - Bottom-up, to the middle, then up and out:

  • Bottom-up: From the lowest stem - this part keeps you standing up without thinking and calls in that instinct biological intuition. It is primal survival and puts us on high alert to act or inhibit action; the unconscious voice says, "don't do it", or "run, fight, freeze". My studies in the brain revealed that most of its job is to inhibit action to the multiple stimuli that bombard us. Given that information; it is no wonder you feel fried if you don't know how to stop your unconscious brain from unconsciously sending out lots of signals: Your road to a nervous, nervous system.

  • Next: To the middle - the limbic, emotional centre- the emotional hijack (but the feeling centre that you need to harness for good and for the right energy and manifestation- more of that later)

  • Finally: Up and out: to the analytical, slow to catch up frontal cortex, the PFC, who can rationalise that you are safe!

As a behavioural economist and neuroscience geek, I know the power of suggestion, especially in uncertainty, which can dial up fear and stress (as we see in the petrol ques in the UK, created by the Press, reporting on a few shortages and led to fear as the collective feels the energy of scacity. Remember the toilet roll shortage. This is called herding - in uncertainty, we follow others, creating a worse reality.

At an individual level. We are all different; therefore, we experience a 'stressor' differently psychologically, physically and physiologically. But for a person who cannot regulate their nervous system, even a friendly warning will dial up their adrenaline, cortisol, fear and make them primed to shoot the belief bullet into their system.

The Cardiologist friend and I talked about the power of suggestion and the power of belief that would either help a patient recover or sometimes make it worse.

I shared my big sister's story of cancer, who had complete faith - belief that she would survive. They gave her eight months to live in 2010, but she fought bravely, often in remission, but cancer finally took in December 2019. The trials she went on and placebo effects I have studied were all playing out for her, but we were never sure whether she got the placebo or real thing - but I am sure the power of her mind and belief - kept her going and extending her precious life. My Reiki energy healing also gave her comfort and reduced some pain - I only wish I had trained earlier.

On the other hand, I worked in an AI radiation oncology imaging company, I spoke to many oncologists who said belief was so important. I saw other friends who I know lost their beliefs and sadly passed on within a year. This is not to say they could have been saved, but amazing stories like Dr Joe Dispenza's miracle healing keeps my faith high. In a professional cycling event, Dr Joe was knocked over and sustained life-threatening injuries and was told he could never walk again. He healed using the power of the mind, knowing we are energy and focusing his attention and intention on healing and doing this work from an energetic level.

This is further strengthened by a longitudinal study of over 2,816 adults by Dr Robert Gramling from the University of Rochester. The study aimed to identify who was at risk of heart disease and found that belief made a significant difference. Those who believed they were at “low risk of heart disease had only a third the incidence of strokes and heart attacks”.* This controlled for other variables like cholesterol levels, smoking etc. This reflects a 1998 National Health Interview study examining the link between the perception that stress affects your health and mortality. This longitudinal study found, that if you think stress will kill you - it will! The Belief Bullet.

The belief at an emotional level starts in the consciousness, but end as our reality as that becomes matter: Your consciousness becomes reality because we are energy first.

Why energy?

Because quantum physics tells us we are energy first and even Einsteins talked of humans as energy (E=Mc squared). Energy is the other side of the matter. Our bodies are matter, but matter is just heavy dense energy. If we want to change at the physical level, we need to imagine and work at the energetic level first. This is the work I do. The energy of trauma and false beliefs get trapped in our nervous system and I need to wring it out, reprogram it, but we need to do it energetically, using more the brain - we need embodiment and putting your brain in the right gear (alpha bridge, to theta; expanding torus field - again more of that latter).

Energy at the collective level plays out by Thought fields, as Roger Callaghan calls them. They can be positive entrainment, e.g. have you sat in group meditation and felt the power of the leader and group rise, or bring the energy down, e.g. petrol fears. Carl Jung talks of the collective unconscious and this plays out as the energy ripples out.

Dr Joe and others like him work with millions of people to make changes from an energetic level: The results are captured and measured on EEG (brain scanning studies) and other biomarkers like saliva and blood samples to measure the outcomes. Time and time again, ordinary people do the un-ordinary (to use his words), once we know how to master our energy and the laws universal laws we become unlimited.

Focusing attention on better health, or money, success - anything will work - there are steps and processes, but before you can 'attract' anything, you need to do one thing: Face your Belief Bullet, spit it out - convert it - befriend it.

The universal law of correspondence:

'As above, so below. As within, so Without' - means you can only attract or correspond to you what you truly believe. What is congruent to your unconscious beliefs systems. Any fear - conscious or unconscious will keep you at arms lengths from your desire. The work I do with you as a fear huntress is to look beyond the known of your fears, peel back the layers of your fear. See it and help you release it - this is the shadow to light work; The work to help you heal and start to bring in more of what you really want and less of what you don't.

Your energy has a vibrational match and like-attracts-like. This is the second universal law (Hermetic laws): The law of vibration.

So what can we do to calm the mind and take control of the mind?

Use the power of the heart. Work by the Heart Maths Institute (HMI) is revolutionary. My brain-scanning studies and others reveal that the unconscious brain reacts faster than the conscious, but the heart reacts 5 to 6 seconds faster, if and only if you have coherence or congruence, i.e. flow Your beautiful heart sends more signals to the brain than the other way rounds (see my video on Heart congruence).

That is why I lead with the heart, and why I was excited to talk to a Cardiologist last week and share the HMI work and my work. He instantly said - is that why people put their hand on their heart? Yes, I replied in excitement. If we can access the heart brain, we can calm and signal to your nervous system that it is safe and access your intuition, and if coherent - you can start to make a change at an energetic level, whatever you are hoping to manifest. This is something ancient wisdom has known for years, but in our science-filled age, it is now proving.

Why do I think about the bullet daily?

The Belief Bullet is something I think about daily, especially if I feel myself contracting with fear, or I think I can't. I may not always get what I want, but I am sure going to try, and I hope you do too.

So my final lessons to myself:

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The bullet matters - because your thoughts & consciousness drive your reality:

  • Be conscious of your thoughts

  • Be conscious of your unconscious

  • Your unconscious plays out in our quick reactions & beliefs, from your past

  • But you don’t have to be a product of your past: Be who you meant to be, not conditioned to be

  • I honour that bullet for making me who I am today - but I’m ready for my revolution, so I choose to:

Dodge that bullet & create abundance in all my life!

With Moonbeams



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