Your A Miracle - Your 1 in 400 trillion!

Miraclelife 1 in 400 trillion

That’s Pretty Low Odd’s!

Can you imagine all the things that had to come together to ensure you - yes you, are just the way you are! Your parent’s meeting - their parent’s meeting - this goldie-locks planet we live on… Blimey!

I smiled when I heard Chris Evans say on the radio that the chances of you being born, are roughly 1 in 400 trillion - What the…, I then hugged myself and everyone else – nearly the neighbour, but he was rushing so I held myself back! I researched this (as I always do)… but take a minute and just let that statistic land for you!

Let’s unpack what it means!

“You’re not a drop in the ocean, but the whole ocean in one drop” (Rumi).

You’re a miracle – know you are a miracle and you are here for a purpose, even if it’s to make someone smile!

What is your purpose? Let yourself remember. All traditional science and ancient wisdom tell us that, once you find ‘Your purpose’ and live it – small big, at work or away from work –there you find your happiness and flow! 

Every person has a purpose, some call it a soul contract! What’s yours? What's holding you back from going deeper to find out? Sometimes it's found in the painful, yucky places!

This means more to me.

I share a secret on #worldmentalhealthday2021, on the 10th of October - a weird day for me (on this day, the same day) I lost both my babies in my belly 6 years apart and that too was part of my purpose/journey – to be an earth mother and hold them beautifully in my belly for the 17 weeks! Unfortunately, this led to a series of serious internal health issues and 6 years of major operations.

Fortunately, the picture is of my beautiful 12-year-old daughter. As an Earth mother, I get to embrace, her with my actual arms and her smile. I am grateful for all three every single day! As a starter, I founded PebblesStory, a miscarriage support group to hold space for other women.

However, that led to my path today of discovery, remembrance, service to guide others to #healing #compassionateleadership for leaders and gain #selfmastery and so they can heal and lead others, and for all to find their purpose. I provide a safe space for people to go deeper to see what is holding them back from their power. Keeping them feeling, small, stuck and often sabotaged.

I now blend beautifully all science, spirituality (ancient wisdom) and a sense of humour to help regain people, women find their flow and power. But I have learnt on this road that change needs more than the level of the mind! For me, it meant embodiment and energy interventions and tools. That’s what I offer.

My purpose is to help dissolve the gap between what we want/say and do/get - this is the #behaviouralscience, psychological problem: The gap of suffering for individuals or the incongruence between what customers say they want and then do. I use my insights to build better products for businesses, and for individuals and leaders, to guide them to get unstuck, flowing and performing using intuitive intelligence. Being of service is one place I am in the flow, amongst others.

Today I have regained my power, my health (in all respects), and for that, I am truly grateful. I offer this story as hope for others who may be struggling to see themselves as the miracle that they are! I know life can be challenging, and overwhelm overbearing - but If you can remind yourself of the things you are grateful for, really bring them into your heart for 3 minutes, this can start to give you back some control of your brain, which naturally falls to the negative, the cloud. Try my heart coherence techniques.

So, for now, the invitation is to remember to:

Love yourself – love all that you are - You're a miracle!

My dream for you is that you celebrate your life, your purpose and live it! From there we all win! Shine Bright!!

“How you do anything, is how you do everything” Tony Robbins.

With Moonbeams


Awakening Flow x

#healing #mentalhealth #soulspurpose #lifeslessons #intuition #honourlife #productdesign #mentalhealthawarenessweek


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