
Nila Matthews Nila Matthews

Who should we celebrate on International Women's Day?

Who should we celebrate on International Women's Day?

Many women get highlighted as role models on international women's day. This year, I celebrate you, me, every woman who has taken a stance and made a change to break their cycle of contraction. One example (among many) which I call out to illuminate my point - I want to celebrate is Krista Haapala, a proactive woman from the USA who chose to have a double (or bilateral) mastectomy before being pushed to her edge.

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Nila Matthews Nila Matthews

Your A Miracle - Your 1 in 400 trillion!

The odd’s of your existence is 1 in 400 trillion, you are a miracle! Sometimes its easy to forget when life is challenging - but you are something to celebrate. Your here for a reason and purpose #worldmentalhealthday2021

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Nila Matthews Nila Matthews

Setting A New Intention

The New Moon in Virgo is a great time to anchor into the Now using tools of the breath and body to take you out of the ghostlands of your head. Your head keeps you anchored to the past and worries of the future - the ghostlands

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